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  1. Backups

    , and indicates how much data would be lost in the event of failure. image2019-1-31_8-54-29.png Backup overview The backup overview gives


  2. Setting up and running a profiling session

    shows some introductory information: new-startup-screen-firstrun.png If you have used the profiler before, a list of your recent profilin


  3. Could not find server in sys.servers or linked server returned message "login timeout expired"

    Automation when verifying projects or running a build as part of continuous integration: Msg 7202, Level 11, State Could not find server


  4. Creating a new project

    will work in. To create a new project, click New project... on the home screen. image-2024-4-20_15-21-8.png This will bring up a New Proj


  5. Splitting a column without data loss

    the new first_name, last_name columns: image2016-2-10 11-33-31.png Commit the changes to source control. We're now ready to copy the data


  6. Renaming a table without data loss

    g 3. Create a migration script Open SQL Source Control. Go to the Migrations tab. Under Replace uncommitted schema changes, use the checkb


  7. Setting up and running a profiling session

    shows some introductory information: new-startup-screen-firstrun.png If you have used the profiler before, a list of your recent profilin


  8. Reconfiguring the SQL Monitor website to use .NET 4

    , select .NET Framework v4.0.301319: application pools 4.png Click OK. Right-click the application pool and select Recycle. Restart the SQ


  9. Configuring alerts

    to the Configuration tab. Under Alerts and metrics, select Alert settings: alerts-and-metrics.png To configure an alert type for a group,


  10. MSQL_DQ

    type of bottleneck caused by the query, such as bad or missing indexes or inappropriate T-SQL code. Investigating the remote resource Sin


  11. OLEDB

    some type of bottleneck caused by the query, such as bad or missing indexes or inappropriate T-SQL code. Look for queries using BULK INSE


  12. Async in the call tree

    flow. For example, here's a trivial example Async method: async-diagram1.png The profiler breaks down the timings as: async-diagram2b.png


  13. Deactivating

    : Deactivate 01.png In the SQL Change Automation window, click Help then Manage License: Deactivate 02.png The license management dialog b


  14. Setting up a Subversion (SVN) server

    are created, and the type of authentication: visual-svn-server-authentication.jpg SVN authentication requires you to set up users and cre


  15. Requesting permissions

    administrator. Click Request access Your computer must be set up to use mailto: links. request-access.png This generates an email address


  16. The call tree

    method(s) that ran the request. Time With Children: The total execution time for the request and all the .NET methods executed because it


  17. Images

    - Redgate SQL Backup .sqb file format image2022-3-25_16-44-36.png Live SQL Server database - It w


  18. Using SQL Monitor for the first time

    :<portnumber>. Create an Administrator password to log in to SQL Monitor: create-admin-password.png If you don't see the Create password p


  19. Creating a new project

    repository that you will work in. To create a new project, click New project... on the home screen. Screenshot 2021-07-29 at 13.55.28.png


  20. SQL Source Control 3.1 release notes

    of the product N/A Spurious Object Explorer blue blobs when first starting the product Known issues and workarounds Vault 6.1 (Standard a


  21. Setting maintenance windows

    : set-maintenance-window.png To set a maintenance window for multiple servers, use the checkboxes in the Server column to select the serve


  22. Displaying metrics on the analysis graph

    . This example below shows Machine: processor time selected for one of the machines in a cluster: machine-processor-time.png To display an


  23. Licensing Your Servers

    Go to the Licensing page by doing one of the following: Click on the Enter serial number link in the top right corner of the page: enter-


  24. Clone Settings

    long they should exist. If a default is set to 0, the objects will not expire. image2023-7-20_14-42-57.png Example In the case above wher


  25. SQL Compare 14.8 release notes - Jul 26th, 2022 FREQUENT UPDATES RELEASE Fixes ZD-275263: Add support for T-SQL undocumented virtual column %%physloc%% ZD-2


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