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  1. SQL Prompt 7.5 release notes

    Version - April 11th, 2017 Features SP-6197 Add support for SQL Server 2016's WITHOUT_ARRAY_WRAPPER Fixes SP-6189 Error starti


  2. Full list of deployment warnings

    in the columns will be lost. A table will be dropped. Any data in the table will be lost. A public synonym will be dropped. A sequence us


  3. What are the key things I need to know when getting started with Data Masker?

    -41-6.png The Substitution Rule dialogue is intuitive, choosing the table, the column and the replacement dataset. What you may not readil


  4. New-SqlMonitorGroup

    Accept Pipeline Input False Accept Wildcard Characters false -Groups <Group[]> The group(s) to add this new group to. Will create a new m


  5. Use SQLCover with SQL Change Automation PowerShell cmdlets

    coverage results. image2016-4-20 17-16-22.pngimage2016-4-20 17-16-50.png # The folder name and the xml OpenCover report are specified her


  6. Rule Blocks and Dependencies

    operations on separate tables. In the above example operations on the DM_EMPLOYEE table have been placed in the 20's range of rule blocks


  7. Tempdb

    tempdb space. Screenshot 2020-10-20 100453.png The files area provides graphs showing the usage within each individual tempdb file. Norma


  8. Can't connect to Active Directory authentication service

    to using Active Directory, selecting "Reset and use Active Directory". For complete instructions, see: Authenticating with Active Directo


  9. Re-including tables which you excluded when creating your masking set

    ! To do this: 1. Edit the Rule Controller, go to the Tools tab and Refresh Tables and Indexes DMS6_doc11_img1.png   2. Find and (multi)sel


  10. Get-SqlCloneBackupLocation

    full paths to your backup file(s) using the BackupFileName argument. The Get-SqlCloneBackupLocation cmdlet gets details of existing backu


  11. FAQs

    : image2020-6-30_14-31-26.png If you try to access the instance, then you will get a The agent on [MACHINE_NAME] needs additional permissi


  12. SQL Backup errors 500 - 5292

    backup history. 507 No valid backup sets found from provided folder(s). 508 No valid full backup sets found from provided folder(s) for l


  13. The SQL LocalDB instance 'RedGateTemp' does not exist

    account you need to run to configure the build agent: For Local System, enter psexec -i -s cmd.exe For Local Service, enter psexec -u "nt


  14. Overview of SQL Monitor

    Groups (1 database per AG). Global-dashboard-diagram.png Server Overviews page By clicking on the name of an instance, in its tile (or an


  15. SQL Monitor 5.2 release notes

    this name throughout SQL Monitor. You can access this feature from the new dashboard. image2016-5-11 13:57:3.png


  16. SQL Monitor database requirements

    Server settings can be configured via the Data settings page in SQL Monitor: image2020-10-15_11-57-1.png Data Compression The data compre


  17. Error pushing/pulling in Version control tab (Git)

    to jump to your command line. image2022-12-6_13-28-54.png You should be able to push/pull using the Git cmdline because you will be promp


  18. Script change shows no differences

    context switches between db code and script formatting: image2023-4-25_12-41-19.png As a result of this, using an IDE or script editor to


  19. Redgate Monitor 7.0 release notes

    This is a major release of SQL Monitor which includes the following enhancements and bug fixes: Features Reporting Report-Screenshot.png


  20. ANTS Performance Profiler 9.1 release notes

    ANTS Performance Profiler doesn't currently support profiling applications using ASP.NET 5's DNX deployment framework Other changes PP-90


  21. ANTS Performance Profiler 9.1 release notes

    ANTS Performance Profiler doesn't currently support profiling applications using ASP.NET 5's DNX deployment framework Other changes PP-90


  22. The Rules in Set Tab

    . If these options have been applied to the rule then a (W) or (S) will be displayed. Description All rule types can have an optional desc


  23. SQL Monitor 7.0 release notes

    This is a major release of SQL Monitor which includes the following enhancements and bug fixes: Features Reporting Report-Screenshot.png


  24. SQL Backup errors 500 - 5292

    from backup history. 507 No valid backup sets found from provided folder(s). 508 No valid full backup sets found from provided folder(s)


  25. Data container

    the time specified, in time duration format (number followed by a unit suffix. Valid units are "h", "m", "s"). If no value is provided, y


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