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  1. Azure Synapse

    NONCLUSTERED (name) NOT ENFORCED ); GO -- Placeholder INSERT INTO ${tableName} (name) VALUES ('Mr. T'); Authentication See SQL Server


  2. Troubleshooting System.OutOfMemoryException during comparison

    and deploy them manually. To detect all BLOB columns in a database, these queries are useful: SELECT o.[name] AS [Table Name],c.[name] AS


  3. Async in the call tree

    control flow. For example, here's a trivial example Async method: async-diagram1.png The profiler breaks down the timings as: async-diagr


  4. Transaction Handling

    the T-SQL file that is generated when you perform a Build in Visual Studio, eg. AdventureWorks\bin\Debug\AdventureWorks.sql. This file co


  5. Annotations

    deployments to the SQL Server. Use SpecificInfo to specify what was deployed. image2020-2-13_11-0-15.png image2020-2-13_11-0-57.png Error


  6. Viewing the row differences

    a table or view in the list of tables. image2016-8-31 15:48:43.png By default, all rows with differences are selected for deployment. Use


  7. Using Redgate Monitor for the first time

    to create the Administrator role in the Redgate Monitor UI, by supplying a password for the administrator account: image-2024-4-10_13-44-


  8. Query recommendations

    implemented this on the Query details page in Top queries. image2023-7-31_17-4-20.png When opened this dialog has two main sections. The


  9. List of alerts

    : list-of-alerts.png For each type of alert, you can: disable it, so the alert will not be raised in future. change the level at which it


  10. Finding SQL Servers on your network

    this on the Discovery page, accessible via Configuration image2023-4-11_13-50-5.png > Estate > Discovery image-2024-4-26_10-15-34.png Con


  11. Configuration compliance

    : Compatibility percentage for each template image-2024-4-16_15-10-4.png For the purpose of clarity and ease of access, every record in th


  12. Target and shadow databases

    :59.png This will display the connection dialog, from which you can either browse to the desired server or enter the connection details: i


  13. Authenticate CLI against API Server

    : rgclone auth -t "<access-token>" Persistent token-based authentication For persistent authentication across any sessions within your mac


  14. Example - locking objects

    comment.png locking 1.png He clicks Lock selected objects. The objects are moved to the Locked objects pane: locking 2.png The objects ar


  15. Failed to coCreate Profiler on ASP .NET web application

    When profiling an ASP .NET web application, the profiling may yield no results. When examining the application event log, the following e


  16. Version control

    Project folder is not in a Git repository, then you'll see this screen, which links to our documentation for setting this up: image2020-6


  17. The Activity History

    you want to see the activity history in the Registered SQL Servers pane. image2017-3-29 7:52:44.png To update the details, on the View me


  18. Re-baselining

    the following string (without quotes): "\r\n(.*?)-\- \<Migration (.*?)\>\r\n" and replace it with this string (without quotes): "\r\nGO\r


  19. Open taxonomy

    . Instead, these allow you to apply free text to a column. image2021-2-24_15-14-9.png image2021-2-25_11-37-46.png Adding a Tag Category Yo


  20. Choosing the right approach with Flyway

    migrations approach Community-proven and simple to run with a migrations-first development model image-2024-5-31_21-50-37.png Developers


  21. Creating clones

    . image-2023-11-13_13-32-24.png You will be taken to the Test Databases screen, Clones tab. The Clones tab will contain a card for your ne


  22. CLI Installation

    of rgclone after running any command and issue a recommendation to update: image-2023-11-24_11-27-56.png The message will be slightly dif


  23. Generating migrations

    -44-57.png After clicking Refresh the changes are shown: image2020-9-3_11-48-17.png 2. Review the differences Click on the objects in the


  24. Example - locking objects

    comment.png locking 1.png He clicks Lock selected objects. The objects are moved to the Locked objects pane: locking 2.png The objects ar


  25. Failed to coCreate Profiler on ASP .NET web application

    When profiling an ASP .NET web application, the profiling may yield no results. When examining the application event log, the following e


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