Search for " 渶 渶ڸ 渶 緹̽ ̷̽º ǰ渶 渶 ǵ渶 " returned 2162 results.

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  1. Installing SQL Monitor on IIS

    : ASP.NET 4.5 image2018-8-22_14-17-36.png 3. Add IIS Recommended Configuration image2018-8-22_14-16-35.png 4. Install SQL Monitor Installa


  2. Use the VSTS Release extension with an approval step

    image2018-4-3_16-9-50.png Click Empty process Click Save 3. Create the target environment An environment usually represents a stage in yo


  3. Bulk formatting

    in the Bulk Actions menu (SQL Prompt menu → Bulk Actions). format-options.png Multiple SQL files in a directory can also be formatted. To


  4. Connecting as a team admin

    the Redgate Platform. From the SQL Prompt menu, select Log in to Redgate Platform: image2021-8-17_16-0-45.png On the next screen, choose


  5. Working with migration scripts

    scripts in the final deployment script it creates: migrations-diagram.jpg For an example of how migration scripts can be used in deployme


  6. Viewing component information and log files

    , go to Configuration - Monitored Servers and choose Show log: image2020-11-24_10-55-2.png To download all the log files go to Configurati


  7. What's in the documentation?

    for an object type, click its name. For example, to see a summary of all the tables in the database, click Tables: table-list-WidgetProdu


  8. SQL Prompt 7.0 release notes

    , the following snippet uses a table_name placeholder to insert a table name in three places: image2015-6-3 14:31:58.png To create a place


  9. Annotations

    deployments to the SQL Server. Use SpecificInfo to specify what was deployed. image2020-2-13_11-0-15.png image2020-2-13_11-0-57.png Error


  10. SQL Server Authentication credentials update

    /instances/{instanceId}/update" endpoint in the "Instances" section and press the "Try it out" button: image2019-9-16_10-28-4.png Then set


  11. SQL Prompt 7.3 release notes

    December 5th, 2016 Improved SQL formatting SQL Prompt 7.3 includes a new experimental version of the Format SQL feature: image2016-11-30


  12. Working with projects

    24x24.png (Open Project) to display the Open project dialog and browse to the project you are looking for. Alternatively, on the File men


  13. Using ignore rules

    ... image2019-2-4_22-30-50.png SOCO_IgnoreScreenshot.jpg You can use use ignore rules to: Reduce the time taken for a database comparison


  14. Resolving conflicts

    Conflicts happen when two people modify the same object. When a conflict occurs, the change is listed as Conflict: conflict1.png Conflict


  15. Using the worked examples to understand data generation

    like this: image2023-5-24_14-4-17.png So every row of Users must reference a valid row of Orgs, every Post must reference a valid User an


  16. Using clones for testing

    , and the output options for the image. An example is shown below. image-2023-11-13_14-1-47.png Click Copy connection string. The .Net for


  17. Managing clones

    g. The Test Databases screen will open. Select the Clones tab at the top of the screen. The screen shows a list of clone cards with the na


  18. Using the Deployment Wizard

    the deployment wizard, click image2016-8-31 13:18:5.png. There are five possible steps in the wizard: Choose deployment method Create and


  19. ANTS Performance Profiler 8.1 release notes

    ; pressing the Enter key didn't perform the search ANTS Performance Profiler 8.0: searchv80.png ANTS Performance Profiler 8.1: searchv81.p


  20. Schema model

    image-2024-6-5_20-23-12-1.pngimage-2024-6-5_20-23-27-1.png Schema model supports SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL, and MySQL databases. Get


  21. Enable Oracle Support

    the ORACLE_EDITION in the yaml below. image2022-11-3_12-15-8.png You will be asked to agree to their license agreement and sign in. Note:


  22. "User does not have permission to alter database 'SqlCloneTemp_...'" when creating image from a backup

    instance is selected: image2018-4-4_17-8-28.png


  23. Working with projects

    24x24.png (Open Project) to display the Open project dialog and browse to the project you are looking for. Alternatively, on the File men


  24. Connecting to a Linux Machine

    them, see SSH Keys overview. Adding a Linux machine using SSH keys Select the authentication method as "SSH key": image2023-5-30_15-41-29


  25. Adding a VMWare host

    configuration page. To register a host go to Configuration > Monitoring > VMware Hosts image2018-3-20_10-57-59.png Click on Add Virtual H


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