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  1. SQL Server and host machine metrics

    SQL Server metrics Counters SqlServer:SqlStatistics Batch requests/sec Number of T-SQL batch requests received by SQL Server per second, a


  2. Using snapshots

    deploy them the source or target schema(s) that you have compared schemas from a selected database Creating a snapshot of the target sche


  3. Using the command line

    The database will be created using the default settings, and then the packaged script(s) will be run. /createdatabasesql The database wil


  4. Adding SQL Server on Windows

    . Click Add > SQL Server. The Add SQL Server panel expands: image2022-10-27_14-7-17.png Select Windows as the host operating System. In th


  5. File or assembly name vjslib not found

    This page applies to SQL Dependency Tracker version 2.8.2 or earlier. J# is no longer a requirement since 2.8.3. When using SQL Dependenc


  6. Using the TFS Build plugin

    to this: tfs-processtab-plugin.png Press Ctrl+S to save the build definition. You can now update your local copy of the database and chec


  7. Command Palette

    palette provides a fast way to navigate SQL Prompt's and SSMS's functionality via a single keyboard shortcut. To open the command palette


  8. File or assembly name vjslib not found

    This page applies to SQL Dependency Tracker version 2.8.2 or earlier. J# is no longer a requirement since 2.8.3. When using SQL Dependenc


  9. Licensing

    will be able to see the updated number of licenses available to assign to your servers. image2023-4-11_13-26-41.png 90 days before your l


  10. The type initializer for 'y.layout.hierarchic.ClassicLayerSequencer' threw an exception

    This error occurs if the Microsoft Visual J# Redistributable was not correctly installed during the installation of ANTS Performance Prof


  11. Using a subset of schemas in a SQL Server database

    . image2022-5-12_10-35-3.png Click Custom filter rules... and limit the Schema name to the schemas you're interested. If you need multiple


  12. Remove-RedgateMonitorGroup

    Removes groups from Redgate Monitor. Syntax Remove-RedgateMonitorGroup [-Groups] <Group[]> [<CommonParameters>] Description Removes groups


  13. Add SQL Server

    servers. Click the Add SQL Server button. The Add SQL Server panel expands: image2019-1-14_10-57-30.png In the SQL Server field, enter th


  14. Working with the command line and Docker

    . --devSourceType The type of the development source. This can be "Database" or "ScriptsSource" (if using a Source Control for Oracle proj


  15. Flyway Desktop using MySQL and Aurora MySQL

    Select your database from the dropdown when creating a new project: image2022-12-16_17-44-53.png You can also import an existing


  16. ReadyRoll 1.6 release notes

    . This time, ReadyRoll perform a comparison that will include data from the specified table(s). You can now preview and import data from t


  17. Proof of Concept Checklist

    Check for drift to ensure repeatable deployments Review and execute the necessary migration scripts against your target database(s) image


  18. Code Analysis for SQL Server command line

    help /server:<server\instance> /s The server name to connect to /database:<database> /d The database name to analyze /user:<username> /u


  19. SQL Compare 14.6 release notes - January 12th 2022 FREQUENT UPDATES RELEASE Fixes ZD-261847: Add support for T-SQL functions CURRENT_TIMEZONE_ID and TRANS


  20. Top Waits

    history graph – frequency or duration (ms) of wait (/s), for each wait type detected over the period of analysis (determined by the focus


  21. Flyway Desktop using other databases

    Flyway Desktop is a GUI on top of the Flyway command line. It supports all the databases that Flyway supports including: image2022-1-20_13


  22. Migrations

    be written in the syntax of a T-SQL "IF" statement condition, for example: -- <Migration Id="{UniqueIdentifier}" Condition="@@SERVERNAME


  23. Unsaved documents cannot be cut or copied to the clipboard from the Miscellaneous Files project

    When copying from SQL Search, this error message may be displayed: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio: Unsaved documents cannot be cu


  24. Logging and log files

    ". Navigate to "Logging" and then "Log Level". SQL Server Management Studio Extension image2022-7-15_9-52-48.png Visual Studio Extension i


  25. Adding a Linux SQL Server instance using the Web UI

    to the Configuration page and, under Estate, select Monitored servers. Click Add > SQL Server. The Add Server panel expands: image2023-5-


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