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  1. Installing a local instance of SQL Server Express

    cinst MsSqlServer2012Express @ECHO Adding [BUILTIN\Users] to sysadmin role on local SQL instance "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft SQL Server\110


  2. Summarizing a script

    shortcut: hold Ctrl and press B then S to open the Summarize Script dialog.


  3. SQL Code Completion and IntelliSense Product learning technical 'how-to' artic


  4. SQL Monitor becomes unlicensed without warning

    for each installation. If you are only using one version of SQL Monitor, simply uninstall the redundant version(s). If you want to mainta


  5. Restoring the master database

    folder. Start SQL Server in single user mode using sqlservr.exe -c -m for an unnamed instance, or sqlserver -c -m -s <instance name> for


  6. Summarizing a script

    shortcut: hold Ctrl and press B then S to open the Summarize Script dialog.


  7. SQL Code Completion and IntelliSense Product learning technical 'how-to' artic


  8. SQL Dependency Tracker has encountered an unexpected condition

    This page applies to SQL Dependency Tracker version 2.8.2 or earlier. J# is no longer a requirement since 2.8.3. When you run SQL Depende


  9. Using generators

    in Table 2. fkcomposite2.gif In addition, when two composite foreign keys overlap, for the overlapping column(s) SQL Data Generator uses


  10. SQL Dependency Tracker has encountered an unexpected condition

    This page applies to SQL Dependency Tracker version 2.8.2 or earlier. J# is no longer a requirement since 2.8.3. When you run SQL Depende


  11. ANTS Performance Profiler 9.1 release notes

    ANTS Performance Profiler doesn't currently support profiling applications using ASP.NET 5's DNX deployment framework Other changes PP-90


  12. SQL Prompt 7.5 release notes

    Version - April 11th, 2017 Features SP-6197 Add support for SQL Server 2016's WITHOUT_ARRAY_WRAPPER Fixes SP-6189 Error starti


  13. SQL Prompt 7.5 release notes

    Version - April 11th, 2017 Features SP-6197 Add support for SQL Server 2016's WITHOUT_ARRAY_WRAPPER Fixes SP-6189 Error starti


  14. NFS File Share

    with a '/'. NFS share protocol version - The version of NFS protocol used. Both NFS version 3 and 4.x are supported. image-2024-3-25_14-2


  15. List of metrics

    be experiencing memory pressure and additional RAM may be required. Batch requests/sec Number of T-SQL batch requests received by SQL Ser


  16. March 2020 - Flyway timestamps and repeatables

    when these changes are applied to a database that contains neither (such as production!) then developer 1's version of the procedure will


  17. Execution rules

    of a scalar prompt 16.png


  18. The SQL LocalDB instance 'RedGateTemp' does not exist

    account you need to run to configure the build agent: For Local System, enter psexec -i -s cmd.exe For Local Service, enter psexec -u "nt


  19. SQL Backup errors 500 - 5292

    from backup history. 507 No valid backup sets found from provided folder(s). 508 No valid full backup sets found from provided folder(s)


  20. ANTS Performance Profiler 9.1 release notes

    ANTS Performance Profiler doesn't currently support profiling applications using ASP.NET 5's DNX deployment framework Other changes PP-90


  21. ANTS Performance Profiler 9.1 release notes

    ANTS Performance Profiler doesn't currently support profiling applications using ASP.NET 5's DNX deployment framework Other changes PP-90


  22. Using generators

    . fkcomposite2.gif In addition, when two composite foreign keys overlap, for the overlapping column(s) SQL Data Generator uses values that


  23. SQL Monitor becomes unlicensed without warning

    for each installation. If you are only using one version of SQL Monitor, simply uninstall the redundant version(s). If you want to mainta


  24. Get-SqlCloneBackupLocation

    full paths to your backup file(s) using the BackupFileName argument. The Get-SqlCloneBackupLocation cmdlet gets details of existing backu


  25. Installing on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)

    )" and then click "Create". image-2023-10-11_14-45-45.png Select the Azure subscription you want to store the Kubernetes service in and cr


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