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  1. Run a T-SQL script during image creation

    run. # Script to create a new SQL Clone data image with some additional post-image T-SQL run on the result Connect-SqlClone -ServerUrl …


  2. T-SQL clone modifications

    As of version 2.6.1, you can provide SQL Clone with T-SQL scripts to run during clone creation. Whilst SQL Clone creates the clone, the w


  3. Release Notes for Flyway Engine

    , if provided Issue 3835 Downgrade MariaDB Connect/J from 3.3.2 to 2.7.11 to continue to supp


  4. Dedicated databases when switching branches

    -container $STANDBY_NAME -o json | jq .password -j)" PORT="$(rgclone.exe get data-container $STANDBY_NAME -o json | jq .port -j)" HOST="$(


  5. Run a T-SQL script during image creation

    parameter instead of specifying raw T-SQL content with -Sql. View "Create a new SQL Clone data image with a post-image T-SQL, loaded from


  6. Run a T-SQL script during image creation

    instead of specifying raw T-SQL content with -Sql. View "Create a new SQL Clone data image with a post-image T-SQL, loaded from files.ps1


  7. GitLab

    /project/demo-project/demo-project.conf -t $CI_DB_JDBC_URL -o /project/build-$ -u system -p $CI_DB_PASS --IAgreeTo


  8. Using T-SQL scripts to create compressed databases

    Overview These examples show you how to create compressed databases by restoring from different types of backup file using T-SQL scripts.


  9. Command line switches

    casedifferences c doublequotes q sqlcomments m objectcomments o constraintnames n indexnames x storage g parallel p sequencevalue v permi


  10. File or assembly name vjslib not found

    This page applies to SQL Dependency Tracker version 2.8.2 or earlier. J# is no longer a requirement since 2.8.3. When using SQL Dependenc


  11. File or assembly name vjslib not found

    This page applies to SQL Dependency Tracker version 2.8.2 or earlier. J# is no longer a requirement since 2.8.3. When using SQL Dependenc


  12. Working with HyperUtil.exe

    (defaults to 90). -E[xtract] Extract a native SQL Server backup file to the location specified by -O, from the SQL HyperBac source file s


  13. The type initializer for 'y.layout.hierarchic.ClassicLayerSequencer' threw an exception

    This error occurs if the Microsoft Visual J# Redistributable was not correctly installed during the installation of ANTS Performance Prof


  14. The type initializer for 'y.layout.hierarchic.ClassicLayerSequencer' threw an exception

    This error occurs if the Microsoft Visual J# Redistributable was not correctly installed during the installation of ANTS Performance Prof


  15. The type initializer for 'y.layout.hierarchic.ClassicLayerSequencer' threw an exception

    This error occurs if the Microsoft Visual J# Redistributable was not correctly installed during the installation of ANTS Performance Prof


  16. The type initializer for 'y.layout.hierarchic.ClassicLayerSequencer' threw an exception

    This error occurs if the Microsoft Visual J# Redistributable was not correctly installed during the installation of ANTS Performance Prof


  17. Need Help?

    If you need help at any time during the day, find someone with a red (event team) or white (day crew) T-shirt. image-2024-6-7_13-58-59.png


  18. SQL Prompt 10.0 release notes

    Authentication SQL Prompt 10.0.9 - January 28th 2020 Features Added Azure support for the following 33 built-in T-SQL functions: ASYMKEY_


  19. Insufficient async disk I/O kernel resources

    for asynchronous disk I/O SQL Server Reason: 0x00000003 Status: 0x0000000b Unable to create a new asynchronous I/O context. Please increa


  20. Tutorial: Entity Framework CodeFirst migrations

    procedures) and deploy them alongside your schema changes, things can quickly get complicated. This is where switching to the T-SQL based


  21. HyperUtil.exe

    . HyperUtil.exe syntax Argument Description /S[ource]"filepath" Specify the location and name of the file you want to use. Required for al


  22. Command line switches

    > Alias: /t The data source and schema(s) to use as the comparison target. The schemas are compared in the order they appear. Live without


  23. Command line switches

    > Alias: /t The data source and schema(s) to use as the comparison target. The schemas are compared in the order they appear. Live without


  24. Working with the HyperUtil.exe

    , and press RETURN to execute it. For example, type: HyperUtil ‑S"D:\backups\Mar10\Sales_Full_050310.hbc" ‑O"C:\local\


  25. Installing on VMs running Ubuntu or RHEL

    and running and create your first clones. As you start creating more clones and working with larger backups, you will first need to incre


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