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  1. Update Redgate Clone

    & update Redgate clone using Admin Console. These actions can be controlled via Version history tab. image2022-12-8_18-35-36.png Updates


  2. Setting up object locking

    OR redgate.locked_objects.os_user != current_os_user ); RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20078,'You can''t ' || ora_sysevent || ' ' || ora_dict_o


  3. Modifications during provisioning

    while it creates them, before it makes them available for cloning. In version 2.4.0, this was limited to running T-SQL scripts on the ima


  4. SQL Monitor 3.0 release notes

    own T-SQL queries to collect metric values that aren't currently collected by default. They can also be used to collect application-speci


  5. Global dashboard

    or for the availability group. Choosing which servers to view Filter by severity and group: image2016-5-9 11:46:31.png The global dashboa


  6. Installing an Agent to create an Image

    contains a unique key that can only be used once. Artboard 12.png The agent installer requires a username and password for the agent serv


  7. Worked examples

    , then type: p The suggestions box shows all relevant suggestions beginning with p : example1_2.gif SQL Prompt always places the most cont


  8. Using the .NET Reflector Power Commands

    choice. Note that for a class this will expand all the methods automatically, so in the picture above selecting "Text" will copy the enti


  9. Adding servers to monitor

    and instance(s) to the list of monitored servers: image2018-3-19_16-16-0.png Once added, server names can't be edited. If you typed the n


  10. Modifications during provisioning

    while it creates them, before it makes them available for cloning. In version 2.4.0, this was limited to running T-SQL scripts on the ima


  11. PostgreSQL Database

    FUNCTION add(integer, integer) RETURNS integer LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE STRICT AS $_$select $1 + $2;$_$; -- Placeholder INSERT INTO ${table


  12. ReadyRoll 1.7 release notes

    authentication fails during Import (Details Visual Studio crashes upon adding new T-SQL script to project


  13. Adding servers to monitor

    button. The Add SQL Server panel expands: image2019-1-14_10-57-30.png In the SQL Server field, enter the server(s) you want to monitor. A


  14. Installing an Agent to create a clone

    file for every agent (SingleUseSqlCloneAgentInstaller.exe), as each executable file contains a unique key that can only be used once. Art


  15. Provisioning

    to provision them are: Create databases using T-SQL scripts. Use SQL Clone to create lightweight


  16. Security overview

    Contents security-overview-diagram-10-08-23.png User Roles User - End user that uses Redgate Clone to provision their own database instanc


  17. SQL Monitor 3.0 release notes

    own T-SQL queries to collect metric values that aren't currently collected by default. They can also be used to collect application-speci


  18. Worked examples

    , then type: p The suggestions box shows all relevant suggestions beginning with p : example1_2.gif SQL Prompt always places the most cont


  19. Worked examples

    , then type: p The suggestions box shows all relevant suggestions beginning with p : example1_2.gif SQL Prompt always places the most cont


  20. Unit testing

    with SQL Developer integration command line and built-in code coverage support. image2018-2-22_13-53-24.png Showing utPLSQL tests in Jenk


  21. SQL Compare deployment error 'Full-Text Search is not installed'

    SQL Server 2000's full-text indexing features have not been installed. In order to full-text enable a database, SQL Server 2000 setup mus


  22. MSQL_DQ

    type of bottleneck caused by the query, such as bad or missing indexes or inappropriate T-SQL code. Investigating the remote resource Sin


  23. OLEDB

    some type of bottleneck caused by the query, such as bad or missing indexes or inappropriate T-SQL code. Look for queries using BULK INSE


  24. Use the TFS MSBuild scripts

    . Advanced properties list and click MSBuild Platform. Select X86 from the drop-down list. The Process page should look similar to this: t


  25. Diagram options

    of dependencies, SQL Dependency Tracker doesn't mix referencing and referenced by dependencies. See below: Z is the object you add to the


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