Redgate Monitor 14

Backups Endpoint


The backups endpoint provided information about the latest backup on a monitored entity. Additional documentation for this endpoint can be found by navigating to http://your-web-server:port/api-docs.



MonitoredEntityIdOptionalStringNoneMonitored entity ID which can be retrieved from the monitored entities endpoint, can be used to restrict the result to a single monitored entity


monitoredEntityid and name of the monitored entity the backup was taken on.
groupNameThe group the monitored entity belongs to.
clusterNameName of the cluster on which the database is located, empty if there is no cluster
databaseNameThe name of the database the backup was taken.
recoveryModelThe recovery model of the database backup, possible values are Full, Simple, Bulk Logged
latestFullBackupThe information of the latest full backup, possible values are BackInfo or null
latestLogBackupThe information of the latest log backup, possible values are BackInfo or null
latestDifferencialBackupThe information of the latest differential backup, possible values are BackInfo or null
maxRpoMaximum recovery point objective of the backup in minutes


startDateThe time the backup process started
endDateThe time the backup process ended
durationTotal time taken for the backup process in seconds
sizeThe size of the backup in bytes
nativeBackupTrue if the backup was taken natively


True if the back was taken using Redgate SQL Backup


Rate limitDefaults to 100 API requests per minute, you can refer rate limiting to change these default values.
Monitored entitiesCurrently supports SQL Server, Amazon RDS, Azure SQL Database and Azure Managed Instances

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