SmartAssembly 7

Reporting handled exceptions

Once enabled, Automatic Error Reporting intercepts all unhandled exceptions and reports them to you automatically. 

If required you can also report handled exceptions. 

To report a handled exception:

  1. Reference the assembly %ProgramFiles%\Red Gate\SmartAssembly 7\SDK\bin\SmartAssembly.ReportException.dll (this dependency will be removed when processed).

    For .NET Core applications, you should use .NET Standard version of the SDK assembly, located in: %ProgramFiles%\Red Gate\SmartAssembly 7\SDK\bin\SmartAssembly.ReportException_NetStandard.dll

  2. For any public method that can throw an exception which you wish to report, create a try-catch block and add a call to ExceptionReporting.Report as follows: 

    using SmartAssembly.ReportException;
    public class MyClass
      public bool DoSomething()
             return true;
          catch (Exception exception)
             return false;
  3. The error reporting dialog box is shown (unless the Automatic template is enabled).
  4. The program continues after the exception has been reported.

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