SQL Backup 10

The BACKUP command

Use the BACKUP command with the SQL Backup Pro -SQL parameter to back up one or more databases, transaction logs, or filegroups using the command line or extended stored procedure.

  • Syntax provides the grammar for the BACKUP command.
  • Arguments describes the arguments for the BACKUP command.
  • WITH options describes the options that can be used in the BACKUP command.
  • Examples provides examples of using the command line and extended stored procedure to create backups with a range of options.
When using the extended stored procedure, the parameter or set of parameters (such as -SQL) must be delimited by single quotes. Therefore, wherever a single quote is used for the arguments below, for the extended stored procedure you must use two single quotes so that SQL Server does not interpret it as a string delimiter. See Using the extended stored procedure for more information.


The following arguments are available only with SQL Server 2005 and later:


Backing up a database to a single file or split into multiple files

BACKUP DATABASE { database_name }
    [FILE = { 'logical_file_name' } [ ,...n ] | FILEGROUP = {'logical_filegroup_name'} ] [ ,...n ]
TO { DISK } = { 'physical_backup_device_name' | '<AUTO>' } [ ,...n ]
    [ [ , ] { CHECKSUM | NO_CHECKSUM } ]
    [ [ , ] COMPRESSION = { 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 } ]
    [ [ , ] COPY_ONLY ]
    [ [ , ] COPYTO = { 'target_folder_name' } [ ,...n ] ]
    [ [ , ] COPYTO_HOSTED ]
    [ [ , ] DESCRIPTION = { 'text' } ]
    [ [ , ] DIFFERENTIAL ]
    [ [ , ] DISKRETRYCOUNT = { n } ]
    [ [ , ] DISKRETRYINTERVAL = { seconds } ]
    [ [ , ] ERASEFILES | ERASEFILES_ATSTART | ERASEFILES_PRIMARY = { days | hours{h} | except latest{b} } ]
    [ [ , ] ERASEFILES_REMOTE | ERASEFILES_SECONDARY = { days | hours{h} | except latest{b} } ]
    [ [ , ] ERASEFILES_PREFIX = { comma separated list of prefixes, enclosed in square brackets } ]
    [ [ , ] FILECOUNT = { n } ]
    [ [ , ] FILEOPTIONS = { 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 } ]
    [ [ , ] INIT ]
    [ [ , ] HOSTED_FOLDER ]
    [ [ , ] HOSTED_TAGS ]
    [ [ , ] KEYSIZE = { 128 | 256 } ]
    [ [ , ] LOG_ONERROR ]
    [ [ , ] LOG_ONERRORONLY ]
    [ [ , ] LOGTO = { 'target_folder_name' | 'file_name' } ]
    [ [ , ] MAILTO = { 'recipients' } ]
    [ [ , ] MAILTO_NOLOG ]
    [ [ , ] MAILTO_ONERROR = { 'recipients' } ]
    [ [ , ] MAILTO_ONERRORONLY = { 'recipients' } ]
    [ [ , ] MAXDATABLOCK = { 65536 | 131072 | ... | 2097152 } ]
    [ [ , ] MAXTRANSFERSIZE = { 65536 | 131072 | ... | 1048576 } ]
    [ [ , ] MIRRORFILE = { 'physical_backup_device_name' } ] [ ,...n ]
    [ [ , ] NAME = { 'backup_set_name' } ]
    [ [ , ] NOLOG ]
    [ [ , ] PASSWORD = { 'password' | 'FILE:file_path'}  ]
    [ [ , ] SQLCOMPRESSION ]
    [ [ , ] THREADCOUNT = { n } ]
    [ [ , ] THREADPRIORITY = { 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 } ]
    [ [ , ] USEQUEUEDCOPY ]
    [ [ , ] USESIMPLECOPY ]
    [ [ , ] VERIFY ]
    [ [ , ] VERIFYINTERVAL = { n } ]

Backing up multiple databases to single files or split into multiple files

        { [ ALL | SYSTEM | USER] } DATABASES [EXCLUDE list of databases ]]
        DATABASES [EXCLUDE] { [ list_of_databases ] }
TO { DISK } = { 'physical_backup_device_name' | '<AUTO>' } [ ,...n ]
    [ [ , ] { CHECKSUM | NO_CHECKSUM } ]
    [ [ , ] COMPRESSION = { 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 } ]
    [ [ , ] COPY_ONLY ]
    [ [ , ] COPYTO = { 'target_folder_name' } [ ,...n ] ]
    [ [ , ] COPYTO_HOSTED ]
    [ [ , ] DESCRIPTION = { 'text' } ]
    [ [ , ] DIFFERENTIAL ]
    [ [ , ] DISKRETRYCOUNT = { n } ]
    [ [ , ] DISKRETRYINTERVAL = { seconds } ]
    [ [ , ] ERASEFILES | ERASEFILES_ATSTART | ERASEFILES_PRIMARY = { days | hours{h} | except latest{b} } ]
    [ [ , ] ERASEFILES_REMOTE | ERASEFILES_SECONDARY = { days | hours{h} | except latest{b} } ]
    [ [ , ] ERASEFILES_PREFIX = { comma separated list of prefixes, enclosed in square brackets } ]
    [ [ , ] FILECOUNT = { n } ]
    [ [ , ] FILEOPTIONS = { 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 } ]
    [ [ , ] FULLIFREQUIRED ]
    [ [ , ] INIT ]
    [ [ , ] HOSTED_FOLDER ]
    [ [ , ] HOSTED_TAGS ]
    [ [ , ] KEYSIZE = { 128 | 256 } ]
    [ [ , ] LOG_ONERROR ]
    [ [ , ] LOG_ONERRORONLY ]
    [ [ , ] LOGTO = { 'target_folder_name' | 'file_name' } ]
    [ [ , ] MAILTO = { 'recipients' } ]
    [ [ , ] MAILTO_NOLOG ]
    [ [ , ] MAILTO_ONERROR = { 'recipients' } ]
    [ [ , ] MAILTO_ONERRORONLY = { 'recipients' } ]
    [ [ , ] MAXDATABLOCK = { 65536 | 131072 | ... | 2097152 } ]
    [ [ , ] MAXTRANSFERSIZE = { 65536 | 131072 | ... | 1048576 } ]
    [ [ , ] NAME = { 'backup_set_name' } ]
    [ [ , ] NOLOG ]
    [ [ , ] PASSWORD = { 'password' | 'FILE:file_path'} ]
    [ [ , ] SQLCOMPRESSION ]
    [ [ , ] THREADCOUNT = { n } ]
    [ [ , ] THREADPRIORITY = { 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 } ]
    [ [ , ] USEQUEUEDCOPY ]
    [ [ , ] USESIMPLECOPY ]
    [ [ , ] VERIFY ]
    [ [ , ] VERIFYINTERVAL = { n } ]

Creating a partial filegroup backup

BACKUP DATABASE { database_name }
    READ_WRITE_FILEGROUPS [, FILEGROUP = { 'logical_filegroup_name' } [ ,...n ] ]
TO { DISK } = { 'physical_backup_device_name' | '<AUTO>' } [ ,...n ]
    [ [ , ] { CHECKSUM | NO_CHECKSUM } ]
    [ [ , ] COMPRESSION = { 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 } ]
    [ [ , ] COPY_ONLY ]
    [ [ , ] COPYTO = { 'target_folder_name' } [,...n ]
    [ [ , ] COPYTO_HOSTED ]
    [ [ , ] DESCRIPTION = { 'text' } ]
    [ [ , ] DIFFERENTIAL ]
    [ [ , ] DISKRETRYCOUNT = { n } ]
    [ [ , ] DISKRETRYINTERVAL = { seconds } ]
    [ [ , ] ERASEFILES | ERASEFILES_ATSTART | ERASEFILES_PRIMARY = { days | hours{h} | except latest{b} } ]
    [ [ , ] ERASEFILES_REMOTE | ERASEFILES_SECONDARY = { days | hours{h} | except latest{b} } ]
    [ [ , ] ERASEFILES_PREFIX = { comma separated list of prefixes, enclosed in square brackets } ]
    [ [ , ] FILECOUNT = { n } ]
    [ [ , ] FILEOPTIONS = { 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 } ]
    [ [ , ] INIT ]
    [ [ , ] HOSTED_FOLDER ]
    [ [ , ] HOSTED_TAGS ]
    [ [ , ] KEYSIZE = { 128 | 256 } ]
    [ [ , ] LOG_ONERROR ]
    [ [ , ] LOG_ONERRORONLY ]
    [ [ , ] LOGTO = { 'target_folder_name' | 'file_name' } ]
    [ [ , ] MAILTO = { 'recipients' } ]
    [ [ , ] MAILTO_NOLOG ]
    [ [ , ] MAILTO_ONERROR = { 'recipients' } ]
    [ [ , ] MAILTO_ONERRORONLY = { 'recipients' } ]
    [ [ , ] MAXDATABLOCK = { 65536 | 131072 | ... | 2097152 } ]
    [ [ , ] MAXTRANSFERSIZE = { 65536 | 131072 | ... | 1048576 } ]
    [ [ , ] MIRRORFILE = { 'physical_backup_device_name' } ] [ ,...n ]
    [ [ , ] NAME = { 'backup_set_name' } ]
    [ [ , ] NOLOG ]
    [ [ , ] PASSWORD = { 'password' | 'FILE:file_path'} ]
    [ [ , ] SQLCOMPRESSION ]
    [ [ , ] THREADCOUNT = { n } ]
    [ [ , ] THREADPRIORITY = { 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 } ]
    [ [ , ] USEQUEUEDCOPY ]
    [ [ , ] USESIMPLECOPY ]
    [ [ , ] VERIFY ]
    [ [ , ] VERIFYINTERVAL = { n } ]

Backing up a transaction log to a single file or split into multiple files

BACKUP LOG { database_name }
TO { DISK } = { 'physical_backup_device_name' | '<AUTO>' } [ ,...n ]
    [ [ , ] { CHECKSUM | NO_CHECKSUM } ]
    [ [ , ] COMPRESSION = { 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 } ]
    [ [ , ] COPY_ONLY ]
    [ [ , ] COPYTO = { 'target_folder_name' } [,...n ]
    [ [ , ] COPYTO_HOSTED ]
    [ [ , ] DESCRIPTION = { 'text' } ]
    [ [ , ] DISKRETRYCOUNT = { n } ]
    [ [ , ] DISKRETRYINTERVAL = { seconds } ]
    [ [ , ] ERASEFILES | ERASEFILES_ATSTART | ERASEFILES_PRIMARY = { days | hours{h} | except latest{b} } ]
    [ [ , ] ERASEFILES_REMOTE | ERASEFILES_SECONDARY = { days | hours{h} | except latest{b} } ]
    [ [ , ] ERASEFILES_PREFIX = { comma separated list of prefixes, enclosed in square brackets } ]
    [ [ , ] FILECOUNT = { n } ]
    [ [ , ] FILEOPTIONS = { 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 } ]
    [ [ , ] INIT ]
    [ [ , ] HOSTED_FOLDER ]
    [ [ , ] HOSTED_TAGS ]
    [ [ , ] KEYSIZE = { 128 | 256 } ]
    [ [ , ] LOG_ONERROR ]
    [ [ , ] LOG_ONERRORONLY ]
    [ [ , ] LOGTO = { 'target_folder_name' | 'file_name' } ]
    [ [ , ] MAILTO = { 'recipients' } ]
    [ [ , ] MAILTO_NOLOG ]
    [ [ , ] MAILTO_ONERROR = { 'recipients' } ]
    [ [ , ] MAILTO_ONERRORONLY = { 'recipients' } ]
    [ [ , ] MAXDATABLOCK = { 65536 | 131072 | ... | 2097152 } ]
    [ [ , ] MAXTRANSFERSIZE = { 65536 | 131072 | ... | 1048576 } ]
    [ [ , ] MIRRORFILE = { 'physical_backup_device_name' } ] [ ,...n ]
    [ [ , ] NAME = { 'backup_set_name' } ]
    [ [ , ] NO_TRUNCATE ]
    [ [ , ] NOLOG ]
    [ [ , ] { NORECOVERY | STANDBY = 'standby_file_name' } ]
    [ [ , ] PASSWORD = { 'password' | 'FILE:file_path'} ]
    [ [ , ] SQLCOMPRESSION ]
    [ [ , ] THREADCOUNT = { n } ]
    [ [ , ] THREADPRIORITY = { 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 } ]
    [ [ , ] USESIMPLECOPY ]
    [ [ , ] VERIFY ]
    [ [ , ] VERIFYINTERVAL = { n } ]

Backing up multiple transaction logs to single files or split into multiple files

BACKUP LOGS [EXCLUDE] { list_of_databases ] }
TO { DISK } = { 'physical_backup_device_name' | '<AUTO>' } [ ,...n ]
    [ [ , ] { CHECKSUM | NO_CHECKSUM } ]
    [ [ , ] COMPRESSION = { 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 } ]
    [ [ , ] COPY_ONLY ]
    [ [ , ] COPYTO = { 'target_folder_name' } [,...n ]
    [ [ , ] COPYTO_HOSTED ]
    [ [ , ] DESCRIPTION = { 'text' } ]
    [ [ , ] DISKRETRYCOUNT = { n } ]
    [ [ , ] DISKRETRYINTERVAL = { seconds } ]
    [ [ , ] ERASEFILES | ERASEFILES_ATSTART | ERASEFILES_PRIMARY = { days | hours{h} | except latest{b} } ]
    [ [ , ] ERASEFILES_REMOTE | ERASEFILES_SECONDARY = { days | hours{h} | except latest{b} } ]
    [ [ , ] ERASEFILES_PREFIX = { comma separated list of prefixes, enclosed in square brackets } ]
    [ [ , ] FILECOUNT = { n } ]
    [ [ , ] FILEOPTIONS = { 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 } ]
    [ [ , ] FULLIFREQUIRED ]
    [ [ , ] INIT ]
    [ [ , ] KEYSIZE = { 128 | 256 } ]
    [ [ , ] LOG_ONERROR ]
    [ [ , ] LOG_ONERRORONLY ]
    [ [ , ] LOGTO = { 'target_folder_name' | 'file_name' } ]
    [ [ , ] MAILTO = { 'recipients' } ]
    [ [ , ] MAILTO_NOLOG ]
    [ [ , ] MAILTO_ONERROR = { 'recipients' } ]
    [ [ , ] MAILTO_ONERRORONLY = { 'recipients' } ]
    [ [ , ] MAXDATABLOCK = { 65536 | 131072 | ... | 2097152 } ]
    [ [ , ] MAXTRANSFERSIZE = { 65536 | 131072 | ... | 1048576 } ]
    [ [ , ] NAME = { 'backup_set_name' } ]
    [ [ , ] NO_TRUNCATE ]
    [ [ , ] NOLOG ]
    [ [ , ] { NORECOVERY | STANDBY = 'standby_file_name' } ]
    [ [ , ] PASSWORD = { 'password' | 'FILE:file_path'} ]
    [ [ , ] SQLCOMPRESSION ]
    [ [ , ] THREADCOUNT = { n } ]
    [ [ , ] THREADPRIORITY = { 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 } ]
    [ [ , ] USESIMPLECOPY ]
    [ [ , ] VERIFY ]
    [ [ , ] VERIFYINTERVAL = { n } ]


DATABASE argument

Specifies a backup of a single database. The database name must be enclosed in square brackets if it includes reserved words or spaces; if the database name does not include reserved words or spaces, square brackets are optional. For example:

"BACKUP DATABASE [pubs] TO DISK = 'C:\Backups\Full\pubs.sqb'"

FILE = 'logical_file_name' | FILEGROUP = 'logical_filegroup_name' [ ,...n ]

Specifies the files or filegroups that are to be backed up. There is no limit on the number of files or filegroups that can be included in a BACKUP command, provided they all belong to the same database. Identify files or filegroups using logical names. For example:

"BACKUP DATABASE [Database1] FILE = 'SalesF1', FILE= 'SalesF2' TO DISK = 'C:\Backups\SalesFiles\<AUTO>'"

READ_WRITE_FILEGROUPS [, FILEGROUP = 'logical_filegroup_name']

Specifies a partial backup of all read/write files in the database, together with any specified read-only files or filegroups. For example:

"BACKUP DATABASE [Database1] READ_WRITE_FILEGROUPS [, FILEGROUP = SalesArchive] TO DISK = 'C:\Backups\SalesFiles\<AUTO>'"

For more information, refer to your SQL Server documentation.

DATABASES argument

Specifies multiple full or differential database backups.

'[ list_of_databases ]'

Is a comma-separated list of the names of the databases that are to be backed up. For example:

"BACKUP DATABASES [Database1, Database2, Database3] TO DISK = 'C:\Backups\<AUTO>'"

The list must be enclosed in square brackets [ ], and the list must not contain any other square brackets. You can use a single wildcard character. For example:


This backs up all databases that are currently online and operational, including read-only databases. Databases that are unrecovered or unavailable (for example, offline) are not backed up.

As an alternative to using a list of databases, you can specify BACKUP ALL DATABASES. This is equivalent to BACKUP DATABASES [*]

To back up all user databases on an instance (excluding mastermodel, and msdb), use BACKUP USER DATABASES.

To back up all system databases on an instance (only mastermodel, and msdb), use BACKUP SYSTEM DATABASES.


Specifies that all online databases except those listed (or specified by ALLUSER, or SYSTEM) are to be backed up. For example:

"BACKUP DATABASES EXCLUDE [Database1, Database2, Database3] TO DISK = 'C:\Backups\<AUTO>'"

This backs up all databases that are currently online and operational, except for Database1Database2, and Database3. You cannot use wildcard characters in exclusion lists.

You can also combine the EXCLUDE keyword with the ALLSYSTEM, or USER keywords. For example:

"BACKUP USER DATABASES EXCLUDE [Database1, Database2, Database3] TO DISK = 'C:\Backups\<AUTO>'"

This backs up all databases that are currently online and operational, but excludes the system databases (master, model, and msdb) as well as excluding Database1Database2, and Database3.

TO { DISK } = { 'physical_backup_device_name' | '<AUTO>' } [,...n]

Creates the backups on the specified disk. You are recommended to include the <AUTO> parameter to ensure that each database is backed up to a unique file name. For example:

"BACKUP DATABASES [Database1, Database2, Database3] TO DISK = '<AUTO>'"

Alternatively, you could set up your own unique path using tags, such as the <DATETIME> tag. For more details, see the TO DISK argument below.

LOG argument

Specifies a log backup from a single database. The database must be using the FULL or BULK-LOGGED recovery model. The database name must be enclosed in square brackets if it includes reserved words or spaces; if the database name does not include reserved words or spaces, square brackets are optional. For example:

"BACKUP LOG [pubs] TO DISK = 'C:\Backups\Logs\pubs.sqb'"

For more information, refer to your SQL Server documentation.

LOGS argument

Specifies multiple transaction log backups.

'[ list_of_databases ]'

Is a comma-separated list of the names of the databases for which the transaction logs are to be backed up. The databases must use the FULL or BULK-LOGGED recovery model. For example:

"BACKUP LOGS [Database1, Database2, Database3] TO DISK = 'C:\Backups\Logs\<AUTO>'"

The list must be enclosed in square brackets [ ], and the list must not contain any other square brackets. Alternatively, a single wildcard character can be used. For example:

"BACKUP LOGS [*] TO DISK = 'C:\Backups\Logs\<AUTO>'"

This backs up transaction logs for all databases that are currently online, operational, and using the FULL or BULK-LOGGED recovery models.


Specifies that transaction logs of all online databases except those listed are to be backed up. For example:

"BACKUP LOGS EXCLUDE [Database1, Database2, Database3] TO DISK = 'C:\Backups\Logs\<AUTO>'"

This backs up the transaction logs of all databases that are currently online and operational, except for Database1Database2, and Database3.

TO { DISK } = { 'physical_backup_device_name' | '<AUTO>' } [,...n]

Creates the backups on the specified disk. Must include the <AUTO> parameter to ensure that each transaction log is backed up to a unique file name. For details, see the TO DISK argument below. For example:

"BACKUP LOGS [*] TO DISK = 'C:\Backups\Logs\<AUTO>'"

TO DISK argument

You can specify multiple DISK values, up to a maximum of 32. For example:

"BACKUP DATABASE [pubs] TO DISK = 'C:\Backups\File1.sqb', DISK = 'C:\Backups\File2.sqb'"


If you specify <AUTO>, SQL Backup Pro generates the backup file path and file name using the backup file locations specified in the File management options. If no backup file locations have been set up, SQL Backup Pro uses the SQL Server instance's default backup folder, and the default format for file names. For details, see File management options.

TO DISK = 'path\<AUTO>'

If you specify a path and <AUTO>, SQL Backup Pro uses the specified path, and generates the file name using the File management options. If no backup file locations have been set up, SQL Backup Pro uses the default format for file names.

You can use tags in the path. For example, if you are backing up multiple databases and you want the backup files for each database to be created in a separate folder, you can specify the <DATABASE> tag. The following example creates the backups in a different folder for each database name:

"BACKUP DATABASES [pubs, northwind, AdventureWorks] TO DISK = 'C:\Backups\<DATABASE>\<AUTO>'"

You can specify more than one tag in the path. In the following example, backups are grouped by database name, date, and type of backup:

"BACKUP DATABASES [pubs, northwind, AdventureWorks] TO DISK = 'C:\Backups\<DATABASE>\<DATETIME yyyymmdd>\<TYPE>\<AUTO>'"

For details of the tags you can use, see File location tags.

TO DISK = 'file_name'

If you specify a file name with the TO DISK argument, SQL Backup Pro uses the File management options to generate the backup file path, and uses the specified name for the file. If no backup file locations have been set up, SQL Backup Pro uses the SQL Server instance's default backup folder. For example:

"BACKUP DATABASE [pubs] TO DISK = 'pubs_20120229.sqb'"

TO DISK = '<AUTO>.sqb'

If you specify <AUTO> with a file extension, SQL Backup Pro uses the File management options to generate the backup file path and file name, but uses the specified extension. If no backup file locations have been set up, SQL Backup Pro uses the SQL Server instance's default backup folder, and the default format for file names.

WITH options


Specifies whether a backup checks whether the replica is the backup preference for the availability group.


Specifies whether a backup checksum should be created. If CHECKSUM is included, any page checksums are validated and a backup checksum is generated and stored on the backup media for use on restore. If an invalid page checksum is encountered, the backup will fail. If NO_CHECKSUM is specified, no checksums are validated or generated. This the default behavior in a BACKUP command. For more information, refer to your SQL Server documentation.


Specifies the compression level. The default value is 1. If you do not want to compress the backups, specify 0. For more information, see Compression levels.

To use native SQL Server compression (available for SQL Server 2008 Enterprise Edition, SQL Server 2008 R2 Standard Edition and SQL Server 2012), use the SQLCOMPRESSION keyword. You cannot include both COMPRESSION and SQLCOMPRESSION in a command.


If CHECKSUM is included in the BACKUP command, CONTINUE_ON_ERROR specifies that the backup process should continue if an invalid page checksum or torn page is encountered. STOP_ON_ERROR specifies that the backup process should stop if an invalid page checksum or torn page is encountered. If neither option is included, STOP_ON_ERROR is the default behavior.

For more information, refer to your SQL Server documentation.


Specifies a copy-only backup. A copy-only full backup is independent of the sequence of backups and does not affect the differential base LSN. A copy-only full backup cannot be used as a base for restoring a differential backup.

A copy-only log backup is independent of the sequence of regular log backups, and does not affect the log archive point. Taking a copy-only log backup will not affect log shipping operations.

This option cannot be used with the DIFFERENTIAL option. For more information, refer to your SQL Server documentation.


Specifies that a copy of the backup files is to be created in the specified folder when the backup process completes. For example:


You can use tags in the path. To create a copy of the backup in more than one folder, use multiple COPYTO arguments. For example:


You must ensure that you have sufficient rights to the specified folders.


COPYTO_HOSTED for AWS storage is only available in SQL Backup Pro 9.0 and later. COPYTO_HOSTED for custom S3 or Azure hosted storage is only available in SQL Backup Pro 10.0 and later.

Specifies that a copy of the backup files is to be uploaded to the Hosted Storage Bucket linked to the SQL Server. For example:


May be used in addition to the COPYTO option. For example:


The SQL Server must be linked to a Hosted Storage Bucket in order to use this option. To link a SQL Server to an account, see Cloud Storage Settings.

SQL Backup Pro will start uploading the backup once it has been written to disk. If you have split a backup into multiple files (using multiple TO DISK arguments or the FILECOUNT option), all the files will be written to disk before SQL Backup Pro starts uploading them to hosted storage. If you are backing up multiple databases or transaction logs, the upload process will start once the first backup has been written to disk.

If the upload fails, SQL Backup Pro will try uploading again at regular intervals for 24 hours. You can view the progress of the upload from the In Progress tab in the SQL Backup Pro GUI. For details, see The In Progress tab.

For more information, see Backing up to Cloud Storage Settings.


Specifies the text describing the backup set. The description is limited to 255 characters. For more information, refer to your SQL Server documentation.


Limits the backup to the portions of the database or file that have changed since the last full backup. For more information, refer to your SQL Server documentation.


Kills any existing connections to the database before starting a transaction log backup. DISCONNECT_EXISTING is only valid when you are backing up the tail of the transaction log (with NORECOVERY or STANDBY).


In combination with DISKRETRYINTERVAL, this argument controls network resilience behavior.

DISKRETRYCOUNT specifies the maximum number of times to retry a failed data-transfer operation (writing or copying a backup file). If you omit this keyword, the default value of 10 is used; specify a value of 0 to prevent any retries following a failed data-transfer operation. If you specify a value for DISKRETRYCOUNT, you should also specify a value for DISKRETRYINTERVAL.

If you have also specified the COPYTO keyword, you can prevent retries for the copying operation only, by specifying USESIMPLECOPY.


In combination with DISKRETRYCOUNT, this argument controls network resilience behavior.

DISKRETRYINTERVAL specifies the time interval between retries, in seconds, following a failed data-transfer operation (writing or copying a backup file). If you omit this keyword, the default value of 30 seconds is used. If you specify a value for DISKRETRYINTERVAL, you should also specify a value for DISKRETRYCOUNT.

If you have also specified the COPYTO keyword, you can prevent retries for the copying operation only, by specifying USESIMPLECOPY.


Manages deletion of existing SQL Backup backups from the primary backup folder (specified using DISK and MIRRORFILE). If multiple DISK locations are specified, the setting is applied to each folder. 

The backup files are deleted only if the backup process completes successfully. Note: To delete backup files before the start of the backup process, use ERASEFILES_ATSTART.

You can choose to delete SQL Backup files based on:

  • Age: files older than the specified number of days or hours are deleted. Specify a number for days, or type h after the number for hours. 
    For example, ERASEFILES = 24 deletes files that are more than 24 days old; ERASEFILES = 24h deletes files that are more than 24 hours old. Note that a day is calculated as a period of 24 hours, and takes no account of calendar date.
  • Number of backups to keep: only the latest 'x' backups will be kept. To specify the number of backups to be kept, type b after the number. 
    For example, ERASEFILES = 5b ensures the latest 5 backups are kept; older backups are deleted.

If you include both ERASEFILES and COPYTO in a BACKUP DATABASE command, the full or differential backup is written and old backups are deleted from the DISK location before the new backup is copied to the COPYTO location.

If you include both ERASEFILES and COPYTO in a BACKUP LOG command, the transaction log backup is written and added to the log copy queue for copying to the COPYTO location before the old backups are deleted from the DISK location. SQL Backup does not wait for the transaction log backup to be copied successfully before deleting old backups from the DISK location.

Files are deleted only if the following details match the details of the database being backed up:

  • The name of the SQL Server, instance (if applicable), and database recorded in the file header.
  • The backup type (full, differential, transaction log).
  • The backup password. If the PASSWORD option is not specified (because the backup is not encrypted), any existing encrypted backups in the DISK location will not be identified by ERASEFILES because the file header cannot be read. This may result in backups older than the specified age or in excess of the specified number being retained. 
If SQL Backup Pro cannot list the contents of the folder that contains the files to be deleted, it cannot delete the files. Ensure the SQL Backup Agent service startup account (or, if you are using the command line, the user account from which you are running SQLBackupC.exe) has permissions to list the folder contents.


The following example creates a full backup in C:\Backups\pubs, then deletes any full backups of the pubs database older than 5 days from that folder.


The following example creates a full backup in C:\Backups\pubs, then deletes all full backups of the pubs database other than the latest 7 from that folder.


The following example creates a full backup in a remote folder, \\BACKUPSERVER001\pubs, then deletes all full backups of the pubs database over 12 hours old from that folder.


You can use ERASEFILES_REMOTE to manage deletion of files from a remote location specified using the COPYTO option.

If the DISK location is a remote location and ERASEFILES_REMOTE is also included in the command, the ERASEFILES_REMOTE setting will override the ERASEFILES setting.

If a local COPYTO location is specified, the ERASEFILES setting will only apply to backups in the COPYTO location if ERASEFILES_REMOTE is also included in the command.

To prevent deletion of files that have their archive attribute set, use FILEOPTIONS.

To overwrite existing backups of the same name, use the INIT option.


Manages deletion of existing SQL Backup backups from the primary backup folder (specified using DISK and MIRRORFILEbefore the backup process starts. If multiple DISK locations are specified, the setting is applied to each folder before the backup process starts. To delete backup files only if the backup process completes successfully, use ERASEFILES or ERASEFILES_PRIMARY.

You can choose to delete SQL Backup files based on:

  • Age: files older than the specified number of days or hours are deleted. Specify a number for days, or type h after the number for hours. For example, ERASEFILES_ATSTART = 24 deletes files that are more than 24 days old; ERASEFILES_ATSTART = 24h deletes files that are more than 24 hours old. Note that a day is calculated as a period of 24 hours, and takes no account of calendar date.
  • Number of backups to keep: only the latest 'x' backups will be kept. To specify the number of backups to be kept, type b after the number. For example, ERASEFILES_ATSTART = 5b ensures the latest 5 backups are kept; older backups are deleted.

Files are deleted only if the following details match the details of the database being backed up:

  • The name of the SQL Server, instance (if applicable), and database recorded in the file header.
  • The backup type (full, differential, transaction log).
  • The backup password. If the PASSWORD option is not specified (because the backup is not encrypted), any existing encrypted backups in the DISK location will not be identified by ERASEFILES_ATSTART because the file header cannot be read. This may result in backups older than the specified age or in excess of the specified number being retained. 
If SQL Backup cannot list the contents of the folder that contains the files to be deleted, it cannot delete the files. Ensure the SQL Backup Agent service startup account (or, if you are using the command line, the user account from which you are running SQLBackupC.exe) has permissions to list the folder contents.

To prevent deletion of files that have their archive attribute set, use FILEOPTIONS.

To overwrite existing backups of the same name, use the INIT option.

You can use ERASEFILES_REMOTE to manage deletion of files in a remote location.

There are known issues when ERASEFILES_ATSTART and ERASEFILES_REMOTE are used in the same BACKUP command. You are recommended to test the command to ensure it results in the desired behavior before using it in a production environment.


ERASEFILES_PRIMARY is only available in SQL Backup Pro 7.4 and later.

To manage deletion of backup files, use either:



Manages deletion of existing SQL Backup backups from the primary backup folder (specified using DISK and MIRRORFILE). If multiple DISK locations are specified, the setting is applied to each folder. The backup files are deleted only if the backup process completes successfully.

You can choose to delete SQL Backup files based on:

  • Age: files older than the specified number of days or hours are deleted. Specify a number for days, or type h after the number for hours. For example, ERASEFILES_PRIMARY = 24 deletes files that are more than 24 days old; ERASEFILES_PRIMARY = 24h deletes files that are more than 24 hours old. Note that a day is calculated as a period of 24 hours, and takes no account of calendar date.
  • Number of backups to keep: only the latest 'x' backups will be kept. To specify the number of backups to be kept, type b after the number. For example, ERASEFILES_PRIMARY = 5b ensures the latest 5 backups are kept; older backups are deleted.

Files are deleted only if the following details match the details of the database being backed up:

  • The name of the SQL Server, instance (if applicable), and database recorded in the file header.
  • The backup type (full, differential, transaction log).
  • The backup password. If the PASSWORD option is not specified (because the backup is not encrypted), any existing encrypted backups in the DISK location will not be identified by ERASEFILES_PRIMARY because the file header cannot be read. This may result in backups older than the specified age or in excess of the specified number being retained. 
If SQL Backup cannot list the contents of the folder that contains the files to be deleted, it cannot delete the files. Ensure the SQL Backup Agent service startup account (or, if you are using the command line, the user account from which you are running SQLBackupC.exe) has permissions to list the folder contents.


The following example creates a full backup in C:\Backups\pubs, then deletes all full backups of the pubs database older than 5 days from that folder.


It is not possible to overwrite existing files of the same name, or to delete old backups before the backup has been written, with ERASEFILES_PRIMARY.


Manages deletion of existing SQL Backup backups from remote locations, whether the primary backup folder (specified using DISK and MIRRORFILE) or the secondary backup folder (specified using COPYTO). The backup files are deleted only if the backup process completes successfully.

You can choose to delete SQL Backup files based on:

  • Age: files older than the specified number of days or hours are deleted. Specify a number for days, or type h after the number for hours. For example, ERASEFILES_REMOTE = 24 deletes files that are more than 24 days old; ERASEFILES_REMOTE = 24h deletes files that are more than 24 hours old. Note that a day is calculated as a period of 24 hours, and takes no account of calendar date.
  • Number of backups to keep: only the latest 'x' backups will be kept. To specify the number of backups to be kept, type b after the number. For example, ERASEFILES_REMOTE = 5b ensures the latest 5 backups are kept; older backups are deleted.

Files are deleted only if the following details match the details of the database being backed up:

  • The name of the SQL Server, instance (if applicable), and database recorded in the file header.
  • The backup type (full, differential, transaction log).
  • The backup password. If the PASSWORD option is not specified (because the backup is not encrypted), any existing encrypted backups in the DISK location will not be identified by ERASEFILES_REMOTE because the file header cannot be read. This may result in backups older than the specified age or in excess of the specified number being retained. 
If SQL Backup cannot list the contents of the folder that contains the files to be deleted, it cannot delete the files. Ensure that SQL Backup Agent service startup account (or, if you are using the command line, the user account from which you are running SQLBackupC.exe) has permissions to list the folder contents.


The following example creates a full backup in C:\Backups\pubs, copies the backup to a remote folder, \\BACKUPSERVER001\pubs, then deletes all full backups of the pubs database older than 5 days from the remote folder.


The following example creates a full backup in C:\Backups\pubs, deletes all but the last 5 full backups of the pubs database from that folder, then copies the backup to a remote folder, \\BACKUPSERVER001\pubs, and deletes all full backups of the pubs database older than 10 days from the remote folder.


The following example creates a full backup in \\BACKUPSERVER001\pubs, deletes all full backups of the pubs database older than 30 days from that folder, then copies the backup to a remote folder, \\BACKUPSERVER002\pubs, and deletes any full backups of the pubs database older than 30 days from the that folder.


To apply different settings to remote DISK and COPYTO locations, use ERASEFILES_PRIMARY and ERASEFILES_SECONDARY.

To overwrite existing files of the same name, use FILEOPTIONS.


ERASEFILES_SECONDARY is only available in SQL Backup Pro 7.4 and later.

To manage deletion of backup files, use either:



Manages deletion of existing SQL Backup backups from the secondary backup folder (specified using COPYTO). The backup files are deleted only if the backup process completes successfully.

You can choose to delete SQL Backup files based on:

  • Age: files older than the specified number of days or hours are deleted. Specify a number for days, or type h after the number for hours. For example, ERASEFILES_SECONDARY = 24 deletes files that are more than 24 days old; ERASEFILES_SECONDARY = 24h deletes files that are more than 24 hours old. Note that a day is calculated as a period of 24 hours, and takes no account of calendar date.
  • Number of backups to keep: only the latest 'x' backups will be kept. To specify the number of backups to be kept, type b after the number. For example, ERASEFILES_SECONDARY = 5b ensures the latest 5 backups are kept; older backups are deleted.

Files are deleted only if the following details match the details of the database being backed up:

  • The name of the SQL Server, instance (if applicable), and database recorded in the file header.
  • The backup type (full, differential, transaction log).
  • The backup password. If the PASSWORD option is not specified (because the backup is not encrypted), any existing encrypted backups in the DISK location will not be identified by ERASEFILES_SECONDARY because the file header cannot be read. This may result in backups older than the specified age or in excess of the specified number being retained. 
If SQL Backup cannot list the contents of the folder that contains the files to be deleted, it cannot delete the files. Ensure the SQL Backup Agent service startup account (or, if you are using the command line, the user account from which you are running SQLBackupC.exe) has permissions to list the folder contents.


The following example creates a full backup in C:\Backups\pubs, then copies the backup to \\BACKUPSERVER001\pubs and deletes all full backups of the pubs database older than 5 days from that folder.


The following example creates a full backup in C:\Backups\pubs and deletes all but the latest 7 full backups of the pubs database from that folder, then copies the backup to E:\Archive\pubs and deletes all full backups of the pubs database older than 60 days from that folder.


It is not possible to overwrite existing files of the same name with ERASEFILES_SECONDARY.


ERASEFILES_PREFIX is only available in SQL Backup Pro 10.0.11 and later.

Modifies the selection of what existing SQL Backup backups to delete when using any of the ERASEFILES options.

This option tells SQL Backup to ignore the name of SQL Server (and instance if applicable) recorded in the file header, and instead choose backup files to delete based on the beginning of the file name. The name of the database recorded in the backup file header is still checked. This is primarily useful when backing up from read-only secondaries of an availability group, when the server name will vary for the same database.


The following example creates a full backup in \\BACKUPSERVER001\Backups, then deletes all full backups of the pubs database older than 5 days from that folder whose file name starts with CLUSTER01_HA_PROD.



Specifies the number of backup files to be generated if you are splitting the backup across a number of files, where n is an integer between 2 and 32 inclusive. The name of the file specified in the TO DISK argument is used as the base name for the generated files. For example:

"BACKUP DATABASE [pubs] TO DISK = 'C:\Backups\Pubs\FULL_20120229.sqb' WITH FILECOUNT = 4"

will generate four backup files:





Can be used together with the <AUTO> keyword (see the TO DISK argument). For example:


In this example, SQL Backup generates the additional files using the <AUTO> naming convention, appending _02_03_04 and so on to the root name.

If you are using the FILECOUNT keyword to create multiple files:

  • You cannot use TO DISK multiple times.
  • You cannot use the THREADCOUNT option.



Specifies whether old backup files are to be deleted or overwritten in the primary backup folder and any COPYTO folders. Specify the sum of the values that correspond to the options you require:


Delete old backup files in the secondary backup folders (specified using COPYTO) if they are older than the number of days or hours specified in ERASEFILES or ERASEFILES_ATSTART. Backups are deleted from the secondary backup folder after the backup is copied, regardless of whether ERASEFILES or ERASEFILES_ATSTART is used.

2Delete old backup files in the primary backup folder (specified using DISK) if they are older than the number of days or hours specified in ERASEFILES, ERASEFILES_ATSTART, or ERASEFILES_REMOTE unless they have the ARCHIVE flag set.
4Overwrite existing files of the same name in the COPYTO folder. If combined with option 1 or ERASEFILES_REMOTE, existing files are deleted before files of the same name are overwritten. This can result in fewer backups remaining in the folder than expected.

Valid values are 1 to 7.

If you specify option 1 or 2 you must also set the age of the files to delete using ERASEFILESERASEFILES_ATSTART, or ERASEFILES_REMOTE. For example, to delete old backup files in the COPYTO folder that are older than 5 days:


To overwrite any existing files in the COPYTO folder and also delete old backup files in the COPYTO folder that are older than 5 days (values 1 + 4):



FULLIFREQUIRED is only available in SQL Backup Pro 7.1 and later.

This option is only available when taking differential or transaction log backups of multiple databases (i.e. when using BACKUP DATABASES ... WITH DIFFERENTIAL or BACKUP LOGS). This option cannot be used when backing up a single database or transaction log.

When using this option, the TO DISK clause must include either the <AUTO> tag or both the <DATABASE> and <TYPE> tags.

This option specifies that a full backup should be created if required to take a differential or transaction log backup. A full backup is created for any databases:

  • for which a full backup has not previously been taken, or
  • that have been moved from simple recovery model to full or bulk-logged and for which a full backup has not since been taken (transaction log backups only).

If a full backup is created, warning 474 is returned and details of the full backup are included in the log.

Any other options specified in the command will be applied to the full backup, with the exception of the ERASEFILES options, FILEOPTIONS and INIT.

This option is not available if SQL Server does not return SQL error 3035 or 4214 when a full backup is required. This is the case when performing transaction log backups on most SQL Server 2000 or 2005 service packs, and when performing differential backups on most SQL Server 2005 service packs. When using this option on SQL Server 2000 or 2005, warning 483 is returned to inform you that a full backup may not have been taken.

For more information see Backing up all databases on an instance.


Specifies that files with the same name in the primary backup folder should be overwritten.

Because SQL Backup Pro supports a maximum of one backup set in a media set, specifying INIT also overwrites any media-set data (media header) associated with the existing backup files. This is equivalent to using the FORMAT argument in SQL Server.


HOSTED_FOLDER for AWS and Azure storage is only available in SQL Backup Pro 9.0 and later.

For Amazon S3 Storage:

Specifies the target folder of where the backup files is to be uploaded to a S3 Bucket . It is used in-conjunction with COPYTO_HOSTED.

The folder path must not contain a trailing backslash.

For example:


For Azure storage:

Specifies the target container where the backup files is to be uploaded to in Azure.  It is used in-conjunction with COPYTO_HOSTED.  Use this when you want to upload to a different container and not to the default container.


To upload to a folder in the specified container, use the forward slash option e.g.


 You can use multiple folder levels e.g.

"BACKUP DATABASE [pubs] TO DISK = 'C:\Backups\<AUTO>' WITH COPYTO_HOSTED, HOSTED_FOLDER='DatabaseBackups/Daily/pubs' "

 You can also use the SQL Backup file tags to use dynamic folder names e.g.


Note that even if you are uploading to the default container, you must still provide the container name in the HOSTED_FOLDER value.


HOSTED_TAGS for AWS storage is only available in SQL Backup Pro 9.0 and later. This keyword is not supported if using the Azure Storage option in V10 or later.

Specifies the tags that are specified against the uploaded backup files is to be uploaded to a Hosted Storage Bucket.

Tags are key value pairs, with a * as seperator. Nb. *  or  = are not allowed in either the key or the value.

It is used in-conjunction with COPTO_HOSTED. For example:

"BACKUP DATABASE [pubs] TO DISK = 'C:\Backups\<AUTO>' WITH COPYTO_HOSTED, HOSTED_TAGS='key=value*othertag=value2' "


Specifies the size of the encryption key to use; you must also use the PASSWORD keyword to specify a password for the encrypted backups. You can specify a 128-bit key or a 256-bit key. For example:

"BACKUP DATABASE [pubs] TO DISK = 'C:\Backups\<AUTO>' WITH PASSWORD = 'MyPassword', KEYSIZE = 128"

If you include PASSWORD and do not specify the key size, SQL Backup Pro uses a 256-bit key.


Specifies that a log file should only be created if SQL Backup Pro encounters an error during the backup process, or the backup completes successfully but with warnings. Use this option if you want to restrict the number of log files created by your backup processes, but maintain log information whenever warnings or errors occur. This argument controls the creation of log files on disk only; emailed log files are not affected. (See the MAILTO options below for details on emailing log files.)


Specifies that a log file should only be created if SQL Backup Pro encounters an error during the backup process. Use this option if you want to restrict the number of log files created by your backup processes, but maintain log information whenever errors occur. This argument controls the creation of log files on disk only; emailed log files are not affected. (See the MAILTO options below for details on emailing log files.)


Specifies that a copy of the log file is to be saved.

By default, the primary log file is created in the folder %ProgramData%\Red Gate\SQL Backup\Log (Windows Vista, Windows 2008 and later) or %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\Red Gate\SQL Backup\Log (Windows XP and Windows 2003); you can change this location in your file management options.

To create a copy with the same name as the primary log file, specify the folder. For example:

"BACKUP DATABASE [pubs] TO DISK = 'C:\Backups\<AUTO>' WITH LOGTO = 'C:\Logs'"

To create a copy with a different name from the primary log file, specify the folder and file name. For example:

"BACKUP DATABASE pubs TO DISK = 'C:\Backups\<AUTO>' WITH LOGTO = 'C:\Logs\SQBSecondaryLog.txt'"

To copy the log file to more than one location, use multiple LOGTO commands.


Specifies that the outcome of the backup operation is emailed to one or more users; the email includes the contents of the log file. SQL Backup Pro uses the settings specified in your email settings to send the email. To specify multiple recipients, separate the email addresses with a semi-colon (;). For example:

"BACKUP DATABASE [pubs] TO DISK = 'C:\Backups\<AUTO>' WITH MAILTO = 'dba01@myco.com;dba02@myco.com'"

If you have not defined email settings, the email will not be sent and a warning will be reported.


Specifies that SQL Backup Pro should not include the contents of the log file in the email. An email will still be sent to notify the specified recipients of success and/or failure, depending on which MAILTO parameter has been specified.


Specifies that the outcome of the backup operation is emailed to one or more users if SQL Backup Pro encounters an error during the backup process or if the backup completes successfully but with warnings. The email includes the contents of the log file. SQL Backup Pro uses the settings specified in your email settings to send the email. The email includes the contents of the log file. To specify multiple recipients, separate the email addresses with a semi-colon (;). For example:

"BACKUP DATABASE [pubs] TO DISK = 'C:\Backups\<AUTO>' WITH MAILTO_ONERROR = 'dba01@myco.com;dba02@myco.com'"

If you have not defined email settings, the email will not be sent and a warning will be reported.


Specifies that the outcome of the backup operation is emailed to one or more users if SQL Backup Pro encounters an error during the backup process. SQL Backup Pro uses the settings specified in your email settings to send the email. To specify multiple recipients, separate the email addresses with a semi-colon (;). For example:

"BACKUP DATABASE [pubs] TO DISK = 'C:\Backups\<AUTO>' WITH MAILTO_ONERRORONLY = 'dba01@myco.com;dba02@myco.com'"

If you have not defined email settings, the email will not be sent and a warning will be reported.


Specifies the maximum size of data blocks to be used when SQL Backup Pro stores backup data. Valid values are integers in multiples of 65536, up to a maximum value of 2097152. For example:


If not specified, SQL Backup Pro uses the value defined in the following DWORD registry key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Red Gate\SQL Backup\BackupSettingsGlobal\<instance name>\MAXDATABLOCK


Specifies the maximum size of each block of memory (in bytes) to be used when SQL Backup Pro stores backup data. You may want to specify this argument if a SQL Server reports that it has insufficient memory to service requests from SQL Backup Pro.

Valid values are integers in multiples of 65536, up to a maximum value of 1048576.

For example:


If not specified, defaults to 1048576. However, if you have created the following DWORD registry key, SQL Backup Pro uses the defined value as the default value:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Red Gate\SQL Backup\BackupSettingsGlobal\<instance name>\MAXTRANSFERSIZE


Indicates that you want to create a duplicate backup file (in addition to the backup file named in the TO DISK argument). Specify the value as described for the TO DISK argument. For example:

"BACKUP DATABASE [pubs] TO DISK = 'C:\Backups\<AUTO>' WITH MIRRORFILE = 'Z:\AlternativeLocation\MirrorBackup.sqb'"

A single backup is created, which is then written in parallel to the disk location and mirror locations. All the files will therefore finish being written at the same time.

MIRRORFILE is useful if you want to write backups to locations on similar devices. If you want to write to devices with different characteristics such as processor speed, it is better to use COPYTO to prevent unnecessary load on your SQL Server.

You cannot use MIRRORFILE if you are backing up multiple databases, if you specify multiple DISK options, or if you use the FILECOUNT option.

To create more than one duplicate backup file, use multiple MIRRORFILE arguments (up to a maximum of 32 files).

Before the backup process starts, the locations specified in the MIRRORFILE arguments are verified; if a location does not exist, or the file cannot be created at that location, then the backup will not start.

During the backup process, if any of the files cannot be written a warning is raised. However, the backup process continues as long as at least one specified backup file can be written. If none of the files can be written, an error is raised and the backup process is stopped.


 Specifies the name of the backup set. The name is limited to 128 characters. If this option is not included, the name is left blank. For more information, refer to your SQL Server documentation.


Determines the maximum backup process throughput of your SQL Server. When you specify this argument, SQL Backup Pro simulates a backup process without compression; no backup files are created.

You can compare the results obtained using NOCOMPRESSWRITE and NOWRITE to deduce the effects of compression on the backup throughput. For details, see Optimizing backup speed.


Prevents a log file from being created for the backup process, even if errors or warnings are generated. You may want to use this option if you are concerned about generating a large number of log files, and are certain that you will not need to review the details of errors or warnings (for example, because it's possible to run the process again without needing to know why it failed). This argument controls the creation of log files on disk only; emailed log files are not affected. (See the MAILTO options above for details on emailing log files.)


Backs up the tail of the transaction log and leaves the database in an unrecovered state. Incomplete transactions are not rolled back. The database is not usable, but differential and transaction log backups can be restored to it. For more information, refer to your SQL Server documentation.


Specifies that the transaction log should not be truncated after a transaction log backup. For more information, refer to your SQL Server documentation.


Determines the maximum backup process throughput of your SQL Server using compression. When you specify this argument, SQL Backup Pro simulates a backup process using the specified compression level; no backup files are created.

You can compare the results obtained using NOCOMPRESSWRITE and NOWRITE to deduce the effects of compression on the backup throughput. For details, see Optimizing backup speed.


Specifies the password to be used with encrypted backup files. You must supply the same password when you restore the backup. You cannot include square brackets in a password.

You can specify the size of the encryption key using the KEYSIZE keyword.

In standard Transact-SQL syntax, the PASSWORD argument attaches a password to the backup file, but does not encrypt the file contents.

If you subsequently convert the SQL Backup file to a Microsoft Tape Format (MTF) file, you must supply the password; the MTF file will not be protected by the password.

Storing your password in a plain text file (only available in SQL Backup 7.5 and later)

If you don't want the password to be stored in your SQL Agent jobs, you can use a password stored in a plain text file instead. This means access to the password can be restricted using Windows file permissions.

To do this, specify the file path and name after the PASSWORD keyword instead of the password itself. 


PASSWORD = 'FILE:C:\mypasswords\password.txt'

SQL Backup will read only the first line of text in the file (up to the first line return), and ignore everything after.


Automatically applies COPY_ONLY for full backups (if required by replica)


Specifies that the results returned by the BACKUP command should be limited to just one result set. This may be useful if you want to manipulate results using a Transact-SQL script. Such scripts can only manipulate results when a single result set is returned. The BACKUP command will return two result sets by default in most cases, unless you specify the SINGLERESULTSET keyword.


Specifies that the backup should be compressed using SQL Server's native compression. This feature is available for SQL Server 2008 Enterprise Edition, SQL Server 2008 R2 Standard Edition and SQL Server 2012.

To use SQL Backup Pro's compression algorithms, use the COMPRESSION keyword. Do not specify both SQLCOMPRESSION and COMPRESSION.


Backs up the tail of the transaction log and leaves the database in a read-only and STANDBY state. The STANDBY clause writes standby data (performing rollback, but with the option of further restores).


Is a standby file, whose location is stored in the log of the database. This file holds the rolled back changes, which must be reversed if RESTORE LOG operations are to be subsequently applied.

When used with the BACKUP LOGS command (backing up multiple transaction logs) 'undo_file_name' must include the <DATABASE> tag.

When used with the BACKUP LOG command (backing up a single transaction log) 'undo_file_name' can include tags, but these are not required.


Specifies the number of threads to be used to create the backup, where n is an integer between 2 and 32 inclusive. For example:


This example creates a single backup file using four threads.

If you are using the THREADCOUNT keyword to use multiple threads:

  • you cannot use TO DISK multiple times
  • you cannot use the FILECOUNT keyword to create multiple files


Sets the SQL Backup Pro thread priority when the backup or restore process is run. Valid values are 0 to 6, and correspond to the following priorities:

1Very low
5Very high
6Time critical

If this value is not specified, normal priority (3) is used.


USEQUEUEDCOPY is only available in SQL Backup 7.5 and later

Allows you to put a non transaction log backup with a COPYTO into the log copy queue. This means that in the event of long network outages, SQL Backup will keep trying to copy the file for 24 hours.


Prevents retries occurring during copy operations (specified using the COPYTO keyword). With USESIMPLECOPY specified, copying behavior is the same as in SQL Backup version 5.


Checks that the backup set is complete and can be read, but does not verify the structure of the data inside the backup. If WITH CHECKSUM is included in the BACKUP command, both the backup checksum and any page checksums are also validated.

The process will continue if any errors (such as invalid checksums) are encountered. The results of the check (including any errors encountered) are displayed as text output when the backup completes. You can also check the results later by viewing the Activity History in the graphical user interface.

This is equivalent to running RESTORE VERIFYONLY on a backup file.


Specifies how long (in seconds) after the start of the backup the VERIFY process should begin. For example:


This example creates a backup of the pubs database and starts the VERIFY process (equivalent to RESTORE VERIFYONLY) 60 seconds after the backup has begun. This is useful if you are encountering problems with the VERIFY process starting before the backup has completed, causing an error.

Deprecated WITH options

The following WITH options have been deprecated:

  • THREADS (replaced by FILECOUNT)
  • ERASEFILEOPTIONS (deprecated in version 4)
  • FILEOPTIONS (value 1 only)


Back up a database to a single file

This example creates a full backup of the pubs database in a single file.

SQLBackupC.exe -I {instance name} -SQL "BACKUP DATABASE [pubs] TO DISK = 'C:\Backups\pubs_01.sqb' "
EXECUTE master..sqlbackup '-SQL "BACKUP DATABASE [pubs] TO DISK = ''C:\Backups\pubs_01.sqb'' " '

Create a mirrored backup

This example simultaneously creates a full backup of the pubs database and two duplicate backup files.

SQLBackupC.exe -I {instance name} -SQL "BACKUP DATABASE [pubs] TO DISK = 'C:\Backups\pubs_01.sqb' WITH MIRRORFILE = 'E:\Backups\pubs_01_alt1.sqb' MIRRORFILE = 'F:\Backups\pubs_01_alt2.sqb' "
EXECUTE master..sqlbackup '-SQL "BACKUP DATABASE [pubs] TO DISK = ''C:\Backups\pubs_01.sqb'' WITH MIRRORFILE = ''E:\Backups\pubs_01_alt1.sqb'' MIRRORFILE = ''F:\Backups\pubs_01_alt2.sqb'' " '

Split the backup file

This example creates a full backup of the pubs database and splits the backup across two files.

SQLBackupC.exe -I {instance name} -SQL "BACKUP DATABASE [pubs] TO DISK = 'C:\Backups\pubs_01.sqb', DISK = 'C:\Backups\pubs_02.sqb' "
EXECUTE master..sqlbackup '-SQL "BACKUP DATABASE [pubs] TO DISK = ''C:\Backups\pubs_01.sqb'', DISK = ''C:\Backups\pubs_02.sqb'' " '

Upload a copy of the backup file to Amazon S3 Bucket 

This example creates a full backup of the pubs database and then uploads the file to an Amazon S3 Bucket linked to the SQL Server instance (SQL Backup Pro 9.0 and later).

SQLBackupC.exe -I {instance name} -SQL "BACKUP DATABASE [pubs] TO DISK = 'C:\Backups\pubs_01.sqb' WITH COPYTO_HOSTED"
EXECUTE master..sqlbackup '-SQL "BACKUP DATABASE [pubs] TO DISK = ''C:\Backups\pubs_01.sqb'' WITH COPYTO_HOSTED" '

Upload a copy of the backup file to Custom S3 Bucket 

This example creates a full backup of the pubs database and then uploads the file to a Custom S3 Bucket linked to the SQL Server instance (SQL Backup Pro 10.0 and later).

SQLBackupC.exe -I {instance name} -SQL "BACKUP DATABASE [pubs] TO DISK = 'C:\Backups\pubs_01.sqb' WITH COPYTO_HOSTED"
EXECUTE master..sqlbackup '-SQL "BACKUP DATABASE [pubs] TO DISK = ''C:\Backups\pubs_01.sqb'' WITH COPYTO_HOSTED" '

Upload a copy of the backup file to an Azure Bucket 

This example creates a full backup of the pubs database and then uploads the file to an Azure Bucket linked to the SQL Server instance (SQL Backup Pro 10.0 and later).

SQLBackupC.exe -I {instance name} -SQL "BACKUP DATABASE [pubs] TO DISK = 'C:\Backups\pubs_01.sqb' WITH COPYTO_HOSTED"
EXECUTE master..sqlbackup '-SQL "BACKUP DATABASE [pubs] TO DISK = ''C:\Backups\pubs_01.sqb'' WITH COPYTO_HOSTED" '

Create copies of the backup file in another disk location

This example creates a full backup of the pubs database and then copies the backup file to two remote folders on completion of the backup process.

SQLBackupC.exe -I {instance name} -SQL "BACKUP DATABASE [pubs] TO DISK = 'C:\Backups\pubs_01.sqb' WITH COPYTO = '\\BACKUPSERVER001\share', COPYTO = '\\BACKUPSERVER002\share' "
EXECUTE master..sqlbackup '-SQL "BACKUP DATABASE [pubs] TO DISK = ''C:\Backups\pubs_01.sqb'' WITH COPYTO = ''\\BACKUPSERVER001\share'', COPYTO = ''\\BACKUPSERVER002\share'' " '

Specify the compression level for a backup

This example creates a full backup of the pubs database using compression level 4.

SQLBackupC.exe -I {instance name} -SQL "BACKUP DATABASE [pubs] TO DISK = 'C:\Backups\pubs_01.sqb' WITH COMPRESSION = 4"
EXECUTE master..sqlbackup '-SQL "BACKUP DATABASE [pubs] TO DISK = ''C:\Backups\pubs_01.sqb'' WITH COMPRESSION = 4" '

Encrypt the backup file

This example creates a full backup of the pubs database and encrypts the backup file with password MyPassword and a 256-bit key.

SQLBackupC.exe -I {instance name} -SQL "BACKUP DATABASE [pubs] TO DISK = 'C:\Backups\pubs_01.sqb' WITH PASSWORD = 'MyPassword', KEYSIZE = 256"
EXECUTE master..sqlbackup '-SQL "BACKUP DATABASE [pubs] TO DISK = ''C:\Backups\pubs_01.sqb'' WITH PASSWORD = ''MyPassword'', KEYSIZE = 256" '

Encrypt the backup file using a password stored in a text file

Using a password in a text file is only available in SQL Backup 7.5 and later

This example creates a full backup of the pubs database and encrypts the backup file using a password stored in the text file password.txt and a 256-bit key.

SQLBackupC.exe -I {instance name} -SQL "BACKUP DATABASE [pubs] TO DISK = 'C:\Backups\pubs_01.sqb' WITH PASSWORD = 'FILE:C:\temp\password.txt', KEYSIZE = 256"
EXECUTE master..sqlbackup '-SQL "BACKUP DATABASE [pubs] TO DISK = ''C:\Backups\pubs_01.sqb'' WITH PASSWORD = 'FILE:C:\temp\password.txt', KEYSIZE = 256" '

Check the backup file

This example creates a full backup of the pubs database, testing any page checksums in the process. A backup checksum is generated and tested, and the backup is checked to ensure it is complete and readable.

SQLBackupC.exe -I {instance name} -SQL "BACKUP DATABASE [pubs] TO DISK = 'C:\Backups\pubs_01.sqb' WITH CHECKSUM, VERIFY"
EXECUTE master..sqlbackup '-SQL "BACKUP DATABASE [pubs] TO DISK = ''C:\Backups\pubs_01.sqb'' WITH CHECKSUM, VERIFY" '

Send email notification of the backup process

This example creates a full backup of the pubs database and sends an email of the completion log to two users upon completion of the backup process.

SQLBackupC.exe -I {instance name} -SQL "BACKUP DATABASE [pubs] TO DISK = 'C:\Backups\pubs_01.sqb' WITH MAILTO = 'dba01@myco.com;dba02@myco.com' "
EXECUTE master..sqlbackup '-SQL "BACKUP DATABASE [pubs] TO DISK = ''C:\Backups\pubs_01.sqb'' WITH MAILTO = ''dba01@myco.com;dba02@myco.com'' " '

Back up multiple databases with exclusions

This example creates a full backup of all the databases except master and model.

-SQLBackupC.exe -I {instance name} -SQL "BACKUP DATABASES EXCLUDE [master, model] TO DISK = 'C:\Backups\<AUTO>' "
EXECUTE master..sqlbackup '-SQL "BACKUP DATABASES EXCLUDE [master, model] TO DISK = ''C:\Backups\<AUTO>'' " '

Back up multiple databases to split files

This example creates full backups of the northwind and pubs databases, splitting each into two files.

SQLBackupC.exe -I {instance name} -SQL "BACKUP DATABASES [northwind, pubs] TO DISK = 'C:\Backups\<AUTO>' WITH FILECOUNT = 2"
EXECUTE master..sqlbackup '-SQL "BACKUP DATABASES [northwind, pubs] TO DISK = ''C:\Backups\<AUTO>'' WITH FILECOUNT = 2" '

Back up multiple databases to split files on different disks

This example creates full backups of the northwind and pubs databases, splitting both backups to separate files on different disks.

SQLBackupC.exe -I {instance name} -SQL "BACKUP DATABASES [northwind, pubs] TO DISK = 'C:\Backups\<AUTO>_01', TO DISK = 'D:\Backups\<AUTO>_02' "
EXECUTE master..sqlbackup '-SQL "BACKUP DATABASES [northwind, pubs] TO DISK = ''C:\Backups\<AUTO>_01'', TO DISK = ''D:\Backups\<AUTO>_02'' " '

Back up transaction logs for multiple databases

This example creates transaction log backups for databases northwind and pubs in the default location.

SQLBackupC.exe -I {instance name} -SQL "BACKUP LOGS [northwind, pubs] TO DISK = '<AUTO>' "
EXECUTE master..sqlbackup '-SQL "BACKUP LOGS [northwind, pubs] TO DISK = ''<AUTO>'' " '

Create differential backups for multiple databases using threads

This example creates differential backups for databases northwind and pubs using two threads.

SQLBackupC.exe -I {instance name} -SQL "BACKUP DATABASES [northwind, pubs] TO DISK = 'C:\Backups\<AUTO>' WITH THREADCOUNT = 2, DIFFERENTIAL "
EXECUTE master..sqlbackup '-SQL "BACKUP DATABASES [northwind, pubs] TO DISK = ''C:\Backups\<AUTO>'' WITH THREADCOUNT = 2, DIFFERENTIAL " '

Create a partial filegroup backup

This example backs up the read/write files in the FileGroupTest database using the standard Transact-SQL argument READ_WRITE_FILEGROUPS. For detailed information about this argument, refer to your SQL Server documentation about the BACKUP command.

SQLBackupC.exe -I {instance name} -SQL "BACKUP DATABASE [FileGroupTest] READ_WRITE_FILEGROUPS TO DISK = 'C:\Backups\<AUTO>' "
EXECUTE master..sqlbackup '-SQL "BACKUP DATABASE [FileGroupTest] READ_WRITE_FILEGROUPS TO DISK = ''C:\Backups\<AUTO>'' " '

Create a partial differential filegroup backup

This example creates a differential backup of the read/write files in the FileGroupTest database using the standard Transact-SQL argument READ_WRITE_FILEGROUPS. For detailed information about this argument, refer to your SQL Server documentation about the BACKUP command.


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