These pages cover SQL Monitor 13, which is not the latest version. Help for other versions is also available.

Machines hosted in the cloud

Machines in the cloud have some further requirements.

You need to either:

  • Set up a VPN connection between the network that hosts the Base Monitor and the network that hosts the machines you want to monitor 


  • Set up corresponding inbound rules for the firewall ports listed above, using your cloud provider's management tool.

Setting up inbound rules

For instructions on how to set up inbound rules if you're using Azure or Amazon EC2, see the table below.

Azure – classic deployment model
  1. In the Azure classic portal, click Virtual Machines and select the machine you want to monitor.
  2. Click Endpoints. Then, at the bottom of the page, click Add.
  3. Specify the details required to open the ports listed above under Firewall requirements.
  4. For each endpoint you add, at the bottom of the page, click Manage ACL. In the Remote subnet box, enter the public IP address of the Base Monitor.
Azure – Resource Manager deployment model
  1. In the Resource Manager portal, click Virtual machines and select the machine you want to monitor.
  2. On the Settings panel, click Network security group.
  3. On the Network security group panel, choose the security group associated with the machine you want to monitor, and click Add an inbound rule.
  4. On the Add inbound security rule panel, specify the details required to open the ports listed above under Firewall requirements. Under Source, select CIDR block, and under Source IP address range, enter the public IP address of the Base Monitor, followed by /32.
Amazon EC2
  1. On the EC2 dashboard, under Network & security, click Security Groups.
  2. Select a security group associated with one or more of the machines you want to monitor, and click the Inbound tab.
  3. Click Edit, and add a rule to open each of the ports listed above under Firewall requirements. Under Source, make sure you select Custom IP and enter the public IP address of the Base Monitor.
  4. If using Elastic IPs on the machines you want to monitor, you will need to add host entries on the machine which is running the Base Monitor for each SQL instance IP.

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