Source Control for Oracle 5

Source Control for Oracle 4.0 release notes

Version 4.0.10 - May 28th, 2018

  • No visible changes, just keeping the versions in sync.

Version 4.0.9 - May 24th, 2018


  • OSC-815 - Added support for RAW data type in static data.

Version 4.0.8 - April 4th, 2018


  • Extended NESTED TABLES comparison.
  • Support .NET 4.6.1 framework.


  • OSC-806: Fixex issue withr quotes occurrence in static data.
  • Added space separating the folder name from the repository path (for git, tfs) on creating "New Project" on "Select Folder" pane.
  • OSC-578, OSC-801, OSC-795, OSC-785, OSC-789, OSC-784 - Static Data: fixes for using multi schema projects.
  • OSC-784: Added support for "no operation" status for static data configuration.
  • Added support for tilde character used in the comparison clause as "not equal" (~=).
  • OSC-785: Changed a way of reading static data CSV which contains new lines inside cell.
  • OSC-800: Fixed issue with differences in syntax after check-in of a table with default value.
  • OSC-754: Fixed parsing script folders for nested tables.

Version 4.0.7 - December 20th, 2017


  • OSC-785: Fixed problems with adding/removing columns in static data.

Version 4.0.6 - December 5th, 2017


  • Improved memory performance.
  • Added information about 1000 first rows displaying.


  • OC-936: Fixed problem that comparison with scripts folder ignores TABLESPACE parameter.
  • OSC-619: Fixed error "Unable to cast object of type 'System.DBNull' to type 'System.String'".
  • OSC-778: Fixed issue with CLOB columns.

Version 4.0.5- November 22nd, 2017

  • Added support for static data (an option to store table data in version control)

Version 4.0.4 - November 8th, 2017


  • OSC-765: resolved issue when comparison was ignoring differences between “<” and “(“ brackets.
  • OSC-718: resolved issue with error message "Parameter name: offset actual value was..."

Version 4.0.2 - September 13th, 2017


  • Materialized View Log: Support parallel clause.
  • Improved object population performance.


  • OC-852: Fix for IndexConstraint.
  • OC-619: InvalidSpecificationException.

Version 4.0.1 - August 31st, 2017


  • OSC-755: Added missing TFS libraries when only 2015 version is installed.

  • Index: Fix for the DOMAIN index.

  • Correctly compare primary key and unique indexes that have identical columns.

  • Resolved issue on generating sync script when INMEMORY column is present in only one side of comparision.

  • OSC-720: Fixed comparing index constraint inside Materialized View with not existing table.

Version 4.0.0 - July 27th, 2017


  • OC-898: Support identity columns  for non-dba user


  • Missing 'KEEP' option on identity column when populating from scripts folder
  • Added missing options in console help menu
  • Fixed error when populating object privileges on user


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