SQL Prompt 10

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SQL Prompt 10.1 release notes

SQL Prompt 10.1.7 - May 11th 2020


  • Fixed an error with loading tab history options with different locales.

SQL Prompt 10.1.6 - May 11th 2020


  • NOTE: The keyboard shortcut for "Show Open Tabs" has been changed from Ctrl+Q to Ctrl+Shift+X.


  • SP-7985 : SQL Prompt no longer attempt to qualify objects when they are already qualified.
  • Fixed an error where running inline exec on certain procedures would change behaviour.
  • Fixed an error where SQL Prompt would fail to parse certain QUERY_STORE options.
  • Fixed an error where masked column definitions would sometimes fail to format.
  • Fixed an issue where the formatting error message was displayed incorrectly on invalid syntax around angle brackets.

SQL Prompt 10.1.5 - April 20th 2020


  • SQL Prompt no longer uses a vulnerable version of SQLite.

SQL Prompt 10.1.4 - April 8th 2020


  • SQL Prompt now supports SQL Server Management Studio v18.5.
  • You can now rename a closed tab in the Tab History window using the F2 keyboard shortcut.
  • The object definition window now remembers its size across SQL Server Management Studio sessions.
  • Added support for SQL Server 2019 syntax ACCELERATED_DATABASE_RECOVERY.


  • SQL Prompt will no longer highlight the whole script after formatting.
  • Fixed an error when importing SQL Prompt options.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented renaming a closed tab in the Tab History window.
  • Fixed an issue with saving the column alias style option.

SQL Prompt 10.1.3 - March 30th 2020


  • You can now autofix BP002 issues in your script.
  • You can now autofix BP012 issues in your script.
  • You can now autofix ST003 issues in your script.


  • Fixed an issue where "Add/Remove Square Brackets" would fail on scripts containing STRING_SPLIT calls.
  • Fixed an issue where no suggestions were given following a THROW statement when using SQL Server 2019.

SQL Prompt 10.1.2 - March 19th 2020


  • Fixed an issue where SQL Prompt was hanging on startup for some users.

SQL Prompt 10.1.1 - March 18th 2019


  • Fixed an issue where scripts containing STRING_SPLIT calls inside OUTER APPLY statements would fail to format.
  • When triggering Format SQL, SQL Prompt no longer tries to run refactorings after one has failed.
  • Fixed an issue where PE010 issues would be reported for temporary tables.

SQL Prompt 10.1.0 - February 19th 2020


  • Added the ability to autofix issues using the Alt + Enter keyboard shortcut.


  • SP-7984 : SQL Prompt no longer reports code analysis issues when using built-in HierarchyID functions.
  • SP-7986 : SQL Prompt no longer adds square brackets around SET params in ADD TARGET statements.

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