SQL Prompt 10

Help for older versions available.

SQL Prompt 10.5 release notes - Released on 22th January 2021


  • Added support for database scoped credentials in SQL Server 2016 and later.
  • Added support for altering create index statements when using the alter view autocompletion.
  • Azure Multi-Factor Authentication connections no longer require a second login for SQL Prompt.


  • Fixed an issue which could cause the Insert Semicolons refactoring step to fail when creating Columnstore indexes.
  • Fixed an issue where the live preview does not update when editing styles.
  • Fixed an issue which caused Azure Multi-Factor Authentication connections to fail when using secondary Azure AD Tenant. - Released on 18th January 2021


  • When 'Open in Excel' results in the generated Excel file failing to be opened, its location will be opened instead.


  • Fixed a crash when performing a Smart Rename.
  • Fixed an issue where the new update popup was not appearing for some users. - Released on 12th January 2021


  • Added support for CURRENT_TIMEZONE and CURRENT_TIMEZONE_ID when using Azure SQL Server.


  • Fixed an issue which could cause the Insert Semicolons refactoring step to fail when WITH statements are used inside SELECT statements.
  • Fixed an issue where SQL Prompt fails to start when the styles folder is set to a file share after an upgrade from a version prior to v10.5. - Released on 18th December 2020


  • Fixed an issue which caused legacy custom formatting styles not to be upgraded for some users. - Released on 16th December 2020


  • Enabling verbose logging is now preserved between SSMS sessions.


  • Fixed an error when upgrading styles from versions prior to SQL Prompt v10.5.
  • Fixed a crash when loading styles in a Turkish locale. - Released on 3rd December 2020

Downgrading to a previous version of SQL Prompt will require manual intervention. More details can be found here.


  • Upgraded styles format to be compatible with the format used in the SQL Prompt ADS extension.


  • Fixed an issue which could cause SQL Prompt to crash in Visual Studio on startup.

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