SQL Data Catalog

Known Issues

These are a few issues that are occasionally encountered by users, and how to resolve them.

Case-sensitive SQL Server instances may not work as expected

The Data Classification capability within the SQL Data Catalog may not work as expected while working with SQL Server instances whose collation is set to be case sensitive during their installation.

If you experience problems with this, please contact Support.

Data Catalog Web UI is not available (connection refused)

Data Classification capability within the SQL Data Catalog runs migration scripts for its state storage SQL Server database schema. This is currently being run before the web server starts up and it happens synchronously which results in web UI occasionally not being displayed.

To mitigate this issue, we suggest you restart the "Redgate SQL Data Catalog Service" Windows Service and reload the web UI (exposed by default through the port 15156).

It's also often helpful to check the content of the latest Application Logs and search for a term "exception".

Using a (Group) Managed Service Account ((g)MSA) to run the Data Catalog service

During installation the wizard currently requires a password to be added, so you will first need to install using a local user with the appropriate permissions.

After doing this you can then change the user using the Services console (Start > Run > Services.msc) by right clicking on the "Redgate SQL Data Catalog Service", choosing Properties, and then changing the Logon account to the (g)MSA.

Reassign the URL reservation to the service account by running the following from an elevated shell:

Reassign URL reservation

netsh http delete urlacl http://*:15156/

netsh http add urlacl url="http://*:15156/" user="your-gmsa$"

Please note the $-suffix denoting service accounts.

Now, restart the Windows Service and the application should start.

Since there is no need to re-enter the credentials when updating Data Catalog you should not need to re-enter this at each update.

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