Redgate Test Data Manager

Anonymize command-line reference - classify

Automatically discover which columns of a database contain PII (personally identifiable information).

  1. rganonymize classify
  2. --database-engine SqlServer
  3. --connection-string "[connection string]"
  4. --classification-file classification.json
--database-engine (tick)

The type of the database to classify.

Must be one of:

  • MySql 
  • Oracle 
  • PostgreSql 
  • SqlServer 
--connection-string (tick)

The connection string of the database to classify. Can also be set via a REDGATE_ANONYMIZE_CONNECTION_STRING environment variable.

Example formats 

--classification-file (tick)

The file path to save the classification to, including file name and file extension.

--options-file (error)

The file path to an options file.


The timeout (in seconds) to use when connecting to the database. Default: 90s


The timeout (in seconds) to use when executing commands against the database. Default: 90s

--output-all-columns (error)

Include all columns in the classification output file, including columns with no classification.


Output a schema file to aid with hand editing the classification file.

The schema can be used with some IDEs to provide prompts and documentation on the expected structure when editing.


The format to write any output.

Can be one of:

  • Json (Default)
  • Yaml



The verbosity level to log at.

Can be one of:

  • Verbose
  • Debug
  • Information (Default)
  • Warning
  • Error
  • Fatal

 -?, -h, --help 


Show help and usage information.

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