Redgate Test Data Manager

Anonymize command-line reference - mask

Replaces real values in a database with realistic fake data through data substitution.

  1. rganonymize mask
  2. --database-engine SqlServer
  3. --connection-string "[connection string]"
  4. --masking-file masking.json
--database-engine (tick)

Type of the database to classify

Must be one of:

  • MySql 
  • Oracle 
  • PostgreSql 
  • SqlServer 
--connection-string (tick)

The connection string of the database to classify. Can also be set via a REDGATE_ANONYMIZE_CONNECTION_STRING environment variable.

Example formats 

--masking-file (tick)

The file path of the input masking file, including file name and file extension.

--options-file (error)

The file path to an options file.


The timeout (in seconds) to use when connecting to the database. Default: 90s


The timeout (in seconds) to use when executing commands against the database. Default: 90s


The seed to use for deterministic masking.

--dry-run (error)

Perform a dry-run with no masking.

This is a 'validation only' option that allows you to ensure your masking command line options, masking file, and options file are configured correctly without modifying the database.

If issues are found, they are sent to STDOUT in a JSON structure. This gives you specific information about the issues, and helps you identify and fix any problems before they arise. 



The file path to where and auto-fix options file will be written.


The format to write any output.

Can be one of:

  • Json (Default)
  • Yaml



The verbosity level to log at.

Can be one of:

  • Verbose
  • Debug
  • Information (Default)
  • Warning
  • Error
  • Fatal
 -?, -h, --help (error)

Show help and usage information.

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