These pages cover ANTS Performance Profiler 8, which is not the latest version. Help for other versions is also available.
ANTS Performance Profiler 7.2 release notes
Published 11 June 2013
May 29th, 2012
New features
This release introduces the following new features:
- Database call profiling. The Professional edition of ANTS Performance Profiler now automatically captures timings for any SQL call made by your .NET code, and displays them in the call tree. See how your .NET code calls any SQL, Oracle, or Amazon RDS server, with timing and hitcount data to help you understood bottlenecks in database performance. For details, see Profiling SQL queries.
- Remote SQL profiling support. See performance data for calls to remote databases, as well as those that run on your local machine.
- Redesigned database calls view. See an overview of all the database calls your application makes, with details of timings and hitcounts. For details, see Working with Database Calls view.
- Call tree filtering. Filter the call tree to hide (or show only) specific methods, classes, or namespaces. For details, see Working with the call tree.
Bug fixes and enhancements
- Windows Vista or later is no longer required for SQL call profiling.
- Assemblies and methods marked SecurityTransparent (or, in .NET 3.5 and earlier, marked as partially trusted) can now be profiled without crashing. Line level timings are by default unavailable for methods marked in this way, but line-level profiling can be enabled by modifying the assembly. For details, see Enabling line-level profiling for SecurityTransparent methods.
- Application pools in IIS should now always restart with the correct version of the .NET framework, and in the correct mode (classic or integrated pipeline mode). This fixes an issue introduced in the last release.
- Streamlined display controls. Switch more easily between views of your application's call stacks, database calls, and file I/O performance. Include all methods, or only those with source.
Known issues
- Support for the early access version of continuous profiling, present in version 7.0, has been removed from version 7.2.
- Results files created in version 7.2 cannot be opened in earlier versions of ANTS Performance Profiler. Results files created in earlier versions can be opened in the latest release.
- Assemblies compiled into NGen profile images, e.g. by tools like BugAid, may crash under instrumented profiling modes. For details see the Method not found: 'UInt32 <Module>._ANTS_Begin_Sql(System.String)'.
ANTS Performance Profiler version 7.1 was an internal build and not given a public release.