Tutorial - Pull changes from Version Control
Published 20 January 2025
- Open the Version Control side panel.
- Click the down arrow to see what changes are in the remote repository that are not in your local repository yet.
- You can click on each file to view it's contents and see how it has changed. Click Pull changes to get all changes from the currently configured remote branch to your local repository.
In this example, there is 1 file to be pulled, the dbo.Orders.sql file. If we click on this, we can see it's a table and that one column has been added, the new OrderSatisfactionRating column. - Do one of the following:
- Click Pull changes
Once that has succeeded, you will see there are no changes left to pull. - Click Pull changes & prune branches using the drop down menu. Pruning branches will get rid of any local branches that do not exist on the remote.
- Click Pull changes
Next steps
- If using a schema model, apply changes to your development database and then, if you are using migrations, validate that your migrations are deployable
- If you are using migrations but not a schema model, migrate your development database