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  1. Configuring Profiler trace

    Enabling trace allows you to continuously capture SQL Profiler trace data on the selected instance. When an alert is raised, the SQL stat


  2. Enabling Extended Events

    Events Go to the Configuration tab under Monitoring, select Extended Events: image2019-1-23_16-41-42.png Enabling extended event sessions


  3. Using the SQL Monitor metrics website

    , you need to install cookies. To do this: Ensure that cookies are enabled in your web browser. Go to the Configuration > Custom metrics p


  4. Baselining your downstream environments

    Script to go from v2.0 to v2.1. In this case, your Test DB would be the source and your target would be the Production DB. This is saying


  5. Clones as baselines

    going forward. Learn more about versioned migration scripts Confi


  6. Backing up to AWS Storage Settings

    the Jobs tab and double-click the backup job you want to edit. The Edit Backup Job wizard is displayed. Go to step 3 and select Copy back


  7. Licensing

    your Redgate licenses Go to the Licensing page by doing t


  8. Using the Server Overview

    selected in the Focus Window above. For Azure SQL Server databases, these graphs will display DTU, CPU, Data IO and Log IO. (5) Go back i


  9. Rewinding time with Back in Time mode

    need to go further back in time to a previous day, week or month: Click the date/time. The date picker is displayed with today's date sel


  10. What to try if you hit connection problems

    and the SQL Monitor logs Go to Configuration > Monitored Servers in the web interface: The Status column will tell you whether the connec


  11. What to try if you hit connection problems

    the Monitoring Status and the Redgate Monitor logs Go to Configuration > Monitored Servers in the web interface: The Status column will t


  12. FAQs

    to go offline. The same script will then bring the clone database back online smoothly, once you're reconnected. Can you update an image


  13. Full list of deployment warnings

    and Offline Schema Model folders. Medium - Performance warnings These warnings mostly tell you that we're going to do a table rebuild - c


  14. SQL Data Catalog 1 Release Notes

    1.13.19 - February 3, 2022 Fixes We will no longer automatically register database snapshots as part of our database discovery process, a


  15. Moving from SQL Source Control to Flyway Desktop

    it out: Create a new project in Flyway Desktop that goes to a new Git repository/folder. Link your development database or a sample datab


  16. Backup verification

    will be recorded in the Activity History. When you're ready to create a scheduled restore job to verify your backups, go to the Reminders


  17. Backing up to hosted storage

    Job wizard is displayed. Go to step 3 and select Copy backup to hosted storage. Continue through the wizard and click Finish to save your


  18. Using the Alert Inbox

    the alerts in each group, you can click its row. To go back to the Alert Inbox, click the ← Alert Inbox link at the top left. image2019-1


  19. SQL Backup warnings 1 - 499

    and have not yet been contacted by Redgate about a free upgrade, please go to the SQL Backup product page


  20. Worked examples - creating a database by virtually restoring backup files

    (that is, the database you are going to create or overwrite when you run the virtual restore process): vrwiz_step3.gif By default the Dat


  21. Top procedures

    For stored procedures SQL Monitor collects data from the sys.dm_exec_procedure_stats dynamic management object to provide details of store


  22. Full list of deployment warnings

    and Offline Schema Model folders. Medium - Performance warnings These warnings mostly tell you that we're going to do a table rebuild - c


  23. Top 10 queries

    , and averages for duration, CPU time, I/O activity, and so on). It displays this data in a Top x Queries table, showing the most expensiv


  24. The Run Statistics Tab

    version of the Data Masker software. We were going to leave it out of this version, but our customers complained - so we put it back in a


  25. Can I make a Table-to-Table rule faster?

    While this article includes screenshots and code snippets that apply only to Data Masker for SQL Server, the advice applies equally to Da


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