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  1. Using the Alert Inbox

    the alerts in each group, you can click its row. To go back to the Alert Inbox, click the ← Alert Inbox link at the top left. image2019-1


  2. SQL Backup warnings 1 - 499

    and have not yet been contacted by Redgate about a free upgrade, please go to the SQL Backup product page


  3. Worked examples - creating a database by virtually restoring backup files

    (that is, the database you are going to create or overwrite when you run the virtual restore process): vrwiz_step3.gif By default the Dat


  4. Top procedures

    For stored procedures SQL Monitor collects data from the sys.dm_exec_procedure_stats dynamic management object to provide details of store


  5. Full list of deployment warnings

    and Offline Schema Model folders. Medium - Performance warnings These warnings mostly tell you that we're going to do a table rebuild - c


  6. Top 10 queries

    , and averages for duration, CPU time, I/O activity, and so on). It displays this data in a Top x Queries table, showing the most expensiv


  7. The Run Statistics Tab

    version of the Data Masker software. We were going to leave it out of this version, but our customers complained - so we put it back in a


  8. Can I make a Table-to-Table rule faster?

    While this article includes screenshots and code snippets that apply only to Data Masker for SQL Server, the advice applies equally to Da


  9. Rule Blocks and Dependencies – are they really necessary?

    the male names have appropriate values. DMS6_doc12_img2.png DMS6_doc12_img3.png This masks everything and go back and reconcile the where


  10. Can I create my own replacement datasets?

    Data Masker open then either stop it and restart or go to the Misc Setup tab and “Refresh” the dataset list DMS6_doc3_img5.png Correlated


  11. Rule Blocks and Dependencies

    . This mask everything and go back and reconcile the where clauses method avoids the classic Where Clause Skip Error it which it is assume


  12. Global Overview doesn't display any details in your browser

    If the Global Overview page doesn't contain any data, please check the following: For Internet Explorer on Windows Server 2008 and 2008 R


  13. Base Monitor and Web Server versions are different

    SQL Monitor displays this error when you try to connect from a Web Server to a Base Monitor that is a different version. To fix the probl


  14. Viewing connection information for monitored servers

    If you have connection problems when monitoring some of your servers, you can view logged connection errors: Go to the Configuration tab


  15. SQL Monitor 2.3 release notes

    -2905: Include query duration for Long running query alert. SRP-3688: Analysis graph plots data but not the lines when the custom time ran


  16. Problems with IIS and ASP.NET

    "Monitor". In IIS Manager, go to the Monitor website, double click Authentication and then set Anonymous Authentication to use Applicatio


  17. Organizing monitored servers into groups

    for groups of servers at a time. Groups are identified in the Monitored servers list by the group group.gif icon. Creating a group Go to


  18. Multiple base monitors

    to be configured accordingly. Configuring multiple Base Monitors Go to the Configuration tab under Application options, select Base Monit


  19. Setting maintenance windows

    a maintenance window Go to the Configuration tab and under Monitoring, select Monitored servers. You can set maintenance windows for one


  20. Setting up Automated Installs

    . Section 4 - Considerations Before we take a look within the PowerShell scripts themselves, consider as you go the following questions: W


  21. Preparing to add monitored servers

    for this. If using WMI over WinRM, go to: WMI over WinRM. If using WMI over DCOM, go to: WMI over DCOM. If the Base Monitor must make con


  22. Installing SQL Monitor on IIS

    Prerequisites for systems without IIS Install IIS on Windows Server Open Server Manager Open Add roles and features Go forward to the Sel


  23. Backing up to Cloud Storage Settings

    -click the backup job you want to edit. The Edit Backup Job wizard is displayed. Go to step 3 and select Copy backup to hosted storage. Co


  24. Using include scripts in Visual Studio

    the $(DeployPath) built-in variable in the file path: PRINT 'The following output is from an external file:' :r $(DeployPath)Includes\say


  25. Use the Azure DevOps Release extension with Windows Authentication credentials

    delegating (sending) credentials Open up Local Group Policy Editor (Win+R → gpedit.msc). Go to Computer Configuration → Administrative Te


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