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  1. Configure the Base Monitor Service and SQL Monitor database

    it. If you're installing the Base Monitor and Web Server on one machine, then this will complete the installation. Go to Starting up SQL


  2. Viewing details of an alert

    or older alert details You don't have to go back to the Alert Inbox or the Alert Group Details and select another alert to open it; you c


  3. Monitoring status explained

    will be collected until you resume monitoring. Go to the Configuration > Monitored servers page, click the Actions button buttonactions.g


  4. Suggested Rules for the DMTest Sample Database

    01-0004 masks the CUSTOMER_FIRSTNAME field in all rows in the table using the Male First Names dataset. Then rule xx-0005 goes back over


  5. SQL Change Automation PowerShell 3.0 release notes

    to control whether or not to go ahead with a release when one or more objects in the target environment differ to the project baseline, w


  6. Worked examples

    insertion key. To define Space as an insertion key: On the SQL Prompt menu, select Options. In the Options dialog box, go to the Main > B


  7. PagerDuty SMS notifications

    integration email address to the Send emails to section by going to "Configuration > Notification settings" page and ticking " Send email


  8. User or group doesn't exist

    are "internet-style" usernames (eg On the domain controller machine, go to Start > Run. In the Open box, type dsa.


  9. Add Azure SQL Managed Instance

    the Managed Instance from the Base Monitor machine through SSMS. Go to the Configuration tab and under Monitoring, select Monitored serve


  10. Removing a monitored server

    a server: Go to Configuration | Monitored Servers, and in the row for the server you want to remove, select Remove server from the Action


  11. Create a custom metric and alert demonstrates how


  12. SQL Monitor becomes unlicensed without warning

    : Check the name and location of the Data Repository database: go to Configuration > About and select About. The Database entry under Base


  13. The cluster and availability group overview pages

    to the cluster overview from the Global Dashboard: Find a card corresponding to an instance on a cluster and click the 3 dots in the top-


  14. Resetting your SQL Monitor password

    editing tool), run: USE RedGateMonitor GO DELETE FROM settings.UserAccount WHERE UserName = 'admin' where RedGateMonitor is the name of t


  15. List of alerts

    The Alert settings page lists all the alert types that SQL Monitor can raise. Go to the Configuration tab. Under Alerts and metrics, sele


  16. What to try if you hit connection problems

    and the SQL Monitor logs Go to Configuration > Monitored Servers in the web interface: The Status column will tell you whether the connec


  17. Build strategies

    There are 2 purposes for a database build: Catch issues quickly and prevent them from going to downstream environments. Follow the best pr


  18. Setting up Webhook notifications

    notifications Go to the Configuration tab. Under Alerts and Metrics, select Notification settings: image2019-12-2_11-1-19.png Configuring


  19. Add SQL Server on Windows

    This page explains how to add SQL Server instances, running on Windows machines. Go to the Configuration tab and, under Monitoring, select


  20. Tracking Disk Space Usage and Database Growth

    out of disk space. Increase the time available to react to database growth. If you can predict when a database is going to need to grow,


  21. Suppressing alerts

    suppression window In the SQL Monitor web interface: Go to the Configuration page and under Alerts, select Alert suppression. Click on Ne


  22. Customizing the alert settings

    for details of creating and configuring those. Changing the default settings (the All Servers level) for each alert type Go to the Config


  23. Work with Entity Framework CodeFirst migrations

    the Fluent API to author your changes but use T-SQL to deploy to your Test and Production environments. Authoring a model change - How to


  24. Step 1. Defining the metric

    (Configuration > Custom metric). Once you've completed this page, click Next to go to Step 2. Adding an alert.


  25. How will SQL Change Automation improve our database development practices?

    of messages that are created when things go awry. SCA reports every release with a separate HTML-based report. If, for example, ten devel


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