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  1. Could not enlist in a distributed transaction

    the transaction isolation level. image2016-8-31 11:3:58.png In Tools–>Application Options, change the Transaction Isolation Level to Read


  2. Working with Pre & Post-Deployment scripts

    What are Pre & Post-Deployment scripts? Pre & Post-Deployment scripts contain SQL that is run during a deployment of a SQL Source Control


  3. Finding the SQL Prompt log files

    Log files collect information about the application while you are using it. These files are useful to us if you have encountered a proble


  4. The Bulk Remove Tables Form

    Exclude multiple tables at once from being show throughout the tool. Various filters can be applied to limit which tables are show to be


  5. Permissions required for the Redgate Monitor Service accounts

    to connect to the servers and instances that it needs to monitor; this can use the Base Monitor service account or other accounts. image-


  6. Static Data

    data from the specified table(s). image2018-6-13_13-42-45.png In order to track the data within your tables, the table must include a pri


  7. Viewing component information and log files

    to Configuration - Monitored Servers and choose Show log: image2020-11-24_10-55-2.png To download all the log files go to Configuration,


  8. Backing up before deployment

    . Backup name and location For SQL Server native: Type the file path in the Backup folder box or click image2016-8-31 13:29:58.png to spec


  9. Cannot run backup or restore operations

    that you have set the -I command line parameter to the named instance. For more information, see Using the command line.


  10. Component versioning using a dedicated table and static data with Visual Studio

    and generate script image2018-6-13_13-44-49.png Click Refresh and then right-click on an object and click Include Table Data to include s


  11. SQL Prompt 9.0 release notes and hidden pitfalls as-you-type: image2017-11-20_15-45-57.png Have clear explana


  12. SQL Prompt 7.1 release notes

    statement Open results in Excel To use these features, select some results in the grid, and right-click: image2016-1-4 13:18:29.png These


  13. SQL Prompt Actions

    the actions you want SQL Prompt to perform from SQL Prompt > Options > Format > Styles: image2017-4-25 13:29:12.png You can also perform


  14. Configuring SQL Monitor with IIS 6

    Sites and select New > Web Site: 1.png The Web Site Creation Wizard opens. Click Next. In Description, enter the name of the website (eg


  15. Finding additional metric information

    the Description tab to display detailed information about the selected metric. metric-description.png For custom metrics, the details you


  16. Profiling WCF applications

    into the dropdown list, click refresh-button-metro.png Note that the port specified in this URL is the port where the application usually


  17. Suppressing alerts

    and the following dialog will appear: image2020-2-5_13-41-55.png See: Details of the alert suppression windows dialog for a detailed desc


  18. PowerShell Cmdlets

    This will give you an output like this: image2019-7-24_16-20-0.png For details on a specific Cmdlet, you can use the built-in PowerShell


  19. Setting up SNMP notifications

    g Configuring SQL Monitor to send SNMP traps image2019-1-30_11-36-54.png Choose when SQL Monitor should send SNMP traps. Enter the target


  20. Overview and licensing

    metrics and more. image2020-3-25_18-1-37.png Start the course …


  21. SQL Prompt Actions

    the actions you want SQL Prompt to perform from SQL Prompt > Options > Format > Styles: image2017-4-25 13:29:12.png You can also perform


  22. Profiling WCF applications

    into the dropdown list, click refresh-button-metro.png Note that the port specified in this URL is the port where the application usually


  23. Issues caused by clock skew

    , and the machines being monitored, have synchronized clock settings. If not, you may experience the issues listed below. I can't log in t


  24. Using a DACPAC as a data source

    the files in the DACPAC to be unpacked to, and click Unpack: dacpac-unpack.png DACPACs contain a model.sql file. This is a creation scrip


  25. Comparison warnings

    In the comparison results, SQL Compare can display warnings about the comparison. Warnings are displayed in a bar at the top of the compar


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