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  1. SQL Monitor 2.3 release notes

    May 26th, 2011 New features Top 10 expensive queries – the 10 queries that use the most resource based on Execution Count, Duration, CPU


  2. Licensing Your Servers

    . For example, if your serial number was for 10 licenses, then 10 servers will be unlicensed. If you have licensed your servers using seve


  3. Permissions

    . For information on how to assign these permissions, see Add the Log on as a service right to an account


  4. Hardware and performance guidelines

    Server Express Edition do not monitor more than 15 servers. Example specifications for the Repository 10-20 servers We recommend running


  5. Step 1. Defining the metric

    . every 5 minutes. every 10 minutes. every 30 minutes. every hour. every day. For non-daily metrics, the first collection will take place


  6. Setting Redgate Monitor data retention policy

    overview page under SQL user processes (top 10 by CPU usage), and on the alert details pages under Details (when trace is turned off). SQ


  7. Permissions required for the Redgate Monitor Service accounts

    to an account The account should have Full Control over the folder %Pr


  8. Best practice rules

    a subsequent ORDER BY clause. This is legal in SQL but meaningless because asking for the TOP 10 rows implies a certain order, and tables


  9. SQL Monitor 10 Documentation

    SQL Monitor is a SQL Server monitoring and alerting tool, designed to allow Ops teams to supervise many SQL Server instances across diffe


  10. Suggested Rules for the Scott Sample Database

    A Substitution Rule on the EMP table. This rule uses the Nubmer Variation data set to vary all salaries within the range of +/- 10%. Rule


  11. Viewing component information and log files

    : image2019-1-2_15-41-52.png Reverted from v. 10


  12. PowerShell Deployment

    Explorer and select Project Properties. On the Project Settings tab under Outputs, check the SQLCMD package (.sql file) option. image2017


  13. Worked example - Profiling from the command line

    = sr.ReadLine()) != null) { char separator = ','; string[] linedata = new string[10]; linedata = line.Split(separator); // Try to cast li


  14. Requirements

    : Windows 10 Windows 8 Windows 7 Windows Server 2019 Windows Server 2016 Windows Server 2012 R2 Windows Server 2012 Other requirements Mic


  15. Worked example - Profiling from the command line

    = sr.ReadLine()) != null) { char separator = ','; string[] linedata = new string[10]; linedata = line.Split(separator); // Try to cast li


  16. Blocking Processes overview

    SQL Monitor allows you to look into historical and current details of the Top 10 Blocking Processes for each server and the processes tha


  17. Different values displayed for the same data points on the Analysis Graph

    If you look at a specific point on a graph showing 10 minutes of data, then look at the exact same data point on a graph showing 24 hours


  18. Hardware and performance guidelines

    week for data you want to view trends for, 3 days for troubleshooting data) and don't monitor more than 10-15 servers.


  19. Managing users with Active Directory

    =ws.10).aspx (TechNet). Log into SQL Monitor as an administrator. Click Add user or group. The Add user or group dialog box opens. Under U


  20. Step 3. Create

    will take place within 10 seconds of the metric being created; subsequent collections take place according to the defined metric collecti


  21. SQL Monitor 3.3 release notes

    addresses if Send emails is unchecked. SRP-7617 Top 10 queries show selected 'Avg' but shows data for 'Total'. SRP-8698 ERRORLOG director


  22. LCK_M_RS_S (Microsoft Support). Check the affected queries and the Top 10 queries table. Tune queries so they


  23. LCK_M_RS_U (Microsoft Support). Check the affected queries and the Top 10 queries table. Tune queries so they


  24. LCK_M_RIn_U

    (Microsoft Support). Check the affected queries and the Top 10 queries table. Tune queries so they run faster and require fewer locks. Se


  25. LCK_M_RIn_X

    ). Check the affected queries and the Top 10 queries table. Tune queries so they run faster and require fewer locks. See Query tuning


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