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  1. Branching and merging

    . In this example deployment order file: lines 7 and 8 are in conflict with lines 10 and 11. lines 6, 9 and 12 are conflict-resolution mar


  2. SQL Data Compare 12.0 release notes

    in Windows 10 - August 22nd 2016 Fixes SC-8731: Fixed a graphical glitch in the Create snapshot dialog when backups were use


  3. The RESTORE command

    or moving a backup file). If you omit this keyword, the default value of 10 is used. If you specify a value for DISKRETRYCOUNT, you shoul


  4. SQL Monitor 3.1 release notes

    watermark is present. SRP-6683: Error clicking on Top 10 queries whilst in IE7 or IE8. SRP-6704: Custom alert triggering not respecting t


  5. SQL Monitor 2.3 release notes

    May 26th, 2011 New features Top 10 expensive queries – the 10 queries that use the most resource based on Execution Count, Duration, CPU T


  6. Alert inbox

    longer than 10 minutes, and so on. It also raises alerts when certain database server events occur, such as a deadlock or a job failure.


  7. Setting up the Web Server

    After choosing which components to install, the next screen will allow you to choose the web server: Choose web server image2021-10-25_14-


  8. The Registered SQL Servers pane

    upgrade the server components to use SQL Backup Pro 10 with this SQL Server instance. Click the icon to upgrade the version of SQL Backup


  9. Backing up to Cloud Storage Settings

    : 8 minutes after attempt 4 failed All subsequent attempts: 10 minutes after the preceding attempt failed To prevent any further upload at


  10. 10.0

    or log shipping with this edition. Microsoft Windows support SQL Backup Pro supports the following Microsoft Windows operating systems: W


  11. Redgate Monitor 5.0 release notes

    incorrectly checked when the alerts are actually customized at a lower level SRP-10380/SRP-10389: The top 10 system processes no longer d


  12. Adding SQL Server on Windows

    This page explains how to add SQL Server instances, running on Windows machines. Go to the Configuration page and, under Estate, select Mo


  13. Authenticating with Active Directory (TechNet). We recommend you create an administrator group and specify


  14. The Activity History

    of the SQL Backup Pro backup with the total database size. For example, if a database comprises a 10 GB data file and a 3 GB transaction


  15. Backing up and restoring on a network share

    the operation again after 30 seconds up to 10 times by default. You can adjust these settings on step 4 of the Back Up wizard or step 5 o


  16. Creating backups - file settings

    ) or a network location, and configure settings to manage existing backup files. image2017-5-30 11:10:26.png Choose: Single backup file to


  17. SQL Monitor 5.0 release notes

    incorrectly checked when the alerts are actually customized at a lower level SRP-10380/SRP-10389: The top 10 system processes no longer d


  18. Availability group overview

    image2015-11-30 10:28:36.png Within the Availability replicas section of the page, there are columns labelled State and Failover. The Sta


  19. Overview pages

    . For more information, see Cluster fundamentals (MSDN article) You can n


  20. SQL Prompt 6.3 release notes

    for "GO 10" crash (Forum post Auto generated insert statements now use


  21. SQL Prompt 7.3 release notes

    to select a style: image2016-8-3 16:10:52.png Disable formatting for blocks of code You can now disable SQL Prompt formatting for certain


  22. SQL Prompt 8.0 release notes

    :"Trust Server Certificate" being required when connecting with SQL Server Authentication inSSMS2016 and higher. Fix :Possibility to bloc


  23. Using performance diagnostics

    affected queries Click on a wait type to show a list of the 10 queries most affected by the selected wait: Affected queries.png The table


  24. Filtering alerts

    " time; for example, if you want to view alerts between 10:00 and 14:00, alerts that were raised up till 14:01 will be shown. Click anywhe


  25. SQL Monitor 6.0 release notes

    usage over the focused period • SRP-10806 Clarified ordering of the top 10 processes on server overview • SRP-10939 When using small card


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