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  1. Configuration

    To view configuration settings, use the Config tab of the Admin Console. new-config.PNG Changing Settings Once you have finished editing y


  2. Using SSMS templates in SQL Prompt snippets

    You can specify SQL Server Management Studio template parameters in SQL Prompt snippets. Example: Creating and inserting a snippet with t


  3. Worked example - adding a new script to SQL Scripts Manager

    You can use SQL Scripts Manager to build a simple graphical user interface for any SQL, Powershell, or IronPython script. Using one of yo


  4. Worked example - deploying data in two databases

    , and on the toolbar click image2016-8-31 13:17:39.png (New Project). If you have any existing projects, and the Projects dialog box is di


  5. Worked example - deploying data in two databases

    , and on the toolbar click image2016-8-31 13:17:39.png (New Project). If you have any existing projects, and the Projects dialog box is di


  6. Welcome To Flyway - database-specific syntax (such as PL/


  7. TiDB (Titanium DB)

    ('Hello'); END // DELIMITER; CALL AddData(); -- Placeholder INSERT INTO ${tableName} (name) VALUES ('Mr. T');


  8. Indexes

    could result in slow queries when reading data, whilst having underused indexes can unnecessarily slow down writes. image-2024-1-15_10-31


  9. Indexes

    reading data, whilst having underused indexes can unnecessarily slow down writes. image-2024-1-15_10-31-22.png Configuring indexes Index


  10. Quickstart - Starting a Trial in Flyway Desktop

    Sign in for free Sign in to Trial Flyway Teams Sign in to Trial Flyway Enterprise image-2023-11-15_9-18-36.png Click on "sign in to Trial


  11. User processes, Error log and databases

    the focus window. Results per page can be selected, and pages can be navigated through with the pagination tool on the right. image2023-3


  12. Worked example - deploying data in two databases

    , and on the toolbar click image2016-8-31 13:17:39.png (New Project). If you have any existing projects, and the Projects dialog box is di


  13. Creating a baseline script

    -12-6_19-21-0.png Proceed through the wizard to the final step, where you will be prompted to create a baseline script. image2020-5-12_15-


  14. Creating a new project

    to create a local repository that you will work in. To create a new project, click New project... on the home screen. image2020-3-24_11-6


  15. Database engine support

    SQL Server PostgreSQL Note(s) Create New Image


  16. Viewing the comparison results

    image2016-8-31 10:18:8.png, or click the group heading. image2016-8-31 10:17:20.png When objects are grouped by Type of difference, the T


  17. Worked example - source-controlling a database using scripts folders

    Working with scripts folders. We name the scripts folder WidgetScripts, and create it in our SVN source control repository: example1.png


  18. Schema Compare for Oracle 5.2 release notes

    creation script. OC-1005: Issue caused by incorrectly added \r\n to comments resulting in false positive differences was fixed. OC-1018:


  19. Viewing the comparison results

    image2016-8-31 10:18:8.png, or click the group heading. image2016-8-31 10:17:20.png When objects are grouped by Type of difference, the T


  20. MSQL_XP

    Extended stored procedures within SQL Server allow you to make a T-SQL external call to a compiled DLL, so you can run code that can’t be


  21. Flyway Desktop using MySQL and Aurora MySQL

    Select your database from the dropdown when creating a new project: image2022-12-16_17-44-53.png You can also import an existing


  22. Using Octopus Deploy with SQL Change Automation Core

    so, switch to the the SQLCLR tab, and click Assembly Information to generate an AssemblyInfo.cs file: ReadyRoll-AssemblyInfo-AdventureWor


  23. Viewing the comparison results

    image2016-8-31 10:18:8.png, or click the group heading. image2016-8-31 10:17:20.png When objects are grouped by Type of difference, the T


  24. Creating a new project

    project, click New project... on the home screen. image2020-3-24_11-6-59.png This will bring up a New Project wizard with a number of ste


  25. Handling Schema Drift

    [object_id] = OBJECT_ID(N'[Person].[Person]') AND [type]='U')) AND NOT (EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.indexes WHERE [name]=N'IX_Person_Modifi


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