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  1. Log shipping - network share

    in step 3). If you typed the network share name, click Test to check that the user for the SQL Backup Agent service on the primary SQL Se


  2. Architecture

    in the product. Slide1.JPG Redgate Test Data Manager enables users to improve release quality and reduce risk, with the flexibility to fi


  3. Adding SQL Server on Windows

    . Click Add > SQL Server on Windows. The Add SQL Server panel expands: image-2024-4-26_10-32-4.png In the machine or cluster name field, e


  4. Command Line Verbs

    ). rca test -o <OutputDirectory> -t jdbc:oracle:thin:@//<host>:<port>/<service> -s <TestSuiteList> -u <UserName> -p <Password> --IAgreeToT


  5. Managing user roles

    you install SQL Monitor, you can create a password to log in as an administrator. image2018-3-20_10-29-9.png This creates the Administrat


  6. Unsaved documents cannot be cut or copied to the clipboard from the Miscellaneous Files project

    When copying from SQL Search, this error message may be displayed: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio: Unsaved documents cannot be cu


  7. Command Palette

    palette provides a fast way to navigate SQL Prompt's and SSMS's functionality via a single keyboard shortcut. To open the command palette


  8. Slow backup or restore operations

    full backups of Database 1, Database 2 and Database 3 in C:\Backups\Database 1\Full, C:\Backups\Database 2\Full and C:\Backups\Database 3


  9. Updating style files from before version 10.5

    -51-16.png 3. In the opened folder there will be folders called "Styles" and "StylesV2-backup". Rename these to "Styles-tmp" and "StylesV2


  10. Create SQL Server Agent job

    N'Adding SQL Server Agent job NightlyIndexRebuilds' EXEC sp_executesql N'USE msdb; EXEC dbo.sp_add_job @job_name = N''NightlyIndexRebuild


  11. Octopus Deploy

    :43.png Choose Deploy to the default instance on the Tentacle option if you intend to install a Tentacle on each of your target SQL Server


  12. Configuring alerts

    for the specific database for which the alert was raised: image2018-3-19_16-43-35.png In the example above, the alert settings page is fo


  13. Migrations-based approach with auto-generation of migration scripts

    This approach is for teams looking to improve developer productivity with auto-generation of migration scripts. image-2024-6-4_14-21-2-1.p


  14. File location tags

    zero (00-23). n Displays the minute without a leading zero (0-59). nn Displays the minute with a leading zero (00-59). s Displays the sec


  15. Use the VSTS Build extension with ReadyRoll

    file. In Output NuGet package ID, enter a package name (e.g the name of your database). image2018-4-3_14-1-10.png 3. Run the build defini


  16. Execution rules

    of a scalar prompt 16.png


  17. Licensing

    Each developer contributing database changes that will be deployed to a Production environment(s) needs to be licensed with Flyway Teams o


  18. Source Control for Oracle 3.0 release notes

    script files Differences in newline format are no longer identified as differences (eg /n is equivalent to /r/n) Comments within CHECK co


  19. Customizing the alert settings

    alerts. image2018-3-19_16-46-14.png Enabling multiple alert thresholds and alert escalation Some types of alerts have multiple thresholds


  20. Ignite

    Ignite (Thin) Verified Versions: N/A Maintainer: Community Supported Versions and Support Levels For information regarding the supported v


  21. Installing the monitoring service

    installer. On the Choose components page, clear the Monitoring service checkbox: image2018-3-19_13-25-34.png Follow the installer instruc


  22. Re-including tables which you excluded when creating your masking set

    ! To do this: 1. Edit the Rule Controller, go to the Tools tab and Refresh Tables and Indexes DMS6_doc11_img1.png   2. Find and (multi)sel


  23. Setting up a Subversion (SVN) server TortoiseSVN documentation chapter 3 - The Repository


  24. Slow backup or restore operations

    full backups of Database 1, Database 2 and Database 3 in C:\Backups\Database 1\Full, C:\Backups\Database 2\Full and C:\Backups\Database 3


  25. Worked example - deploying data in two databases

    as it is, and click OK to close the message box. 3. Select data to deploy The comparison results are displayed in the main window. image2


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