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  1. Worked example - Profiling from the command line

    Files\Red Gate\ANTS Performance Profiler 7\" Profile.exe /e:"C:\testing\SimpleApp.exe" /ll /csv:"C:\testing\results.csv" C: CD testing Re


  2. Example - source-controlling database schema and application code together using a working folder

    for the existing application. To do this, in Visual Studio, in the Source Control Explorer tab, select the Workspace drop-down menu:


  3. ANTS Performance Profiler 6.1 release notes

    Internet Explorer 7 on Windows Vista or later, it is not possible to profile websites on IIS. SQL and File I/O profiling is easier to use


  4. Use-DatabaseReleaseArtifact

    "Production" -Username "AutomationUser" -Password "P@ssw0rd" $build = Import-DatabaseBuildArtifact "C:\Work\buildArtifacts\DatabaseBuildA


  5. Using Redgate Monitor for the first time

    to create the Administrator role in the Redgate Monitor UI, by supplying a password for the administrator account: image-2024-4-10_13-44-


  6. Encapsulating SQL as a new stored procedure

    procedure is created. Keyboard shortcut: hold Ctrl and press B then E to encapsulate the selected script as a new stored procedure.


  7. Encapsulating SQL as a new stored procedure

    procedure is created. Keyboard shortcut: hold Ctrl and press B then E to encapsulate the selected script as a new stored procedure.


  8. SQL Prompt 5.2 release notes

    for the first time. You can now turn code auto-completion on/off using a new SQL Prompt menu option, or a keyboard shortcut (Ctrl + Shift


  9. Logging and log files

    -> Logging -> Minimum log levels, and then click the required log level. image2016-10-11 18:36:24.png Select a minimum log level based on


  10. Setting up a Subversion (SVN) server

    are created, and the type of authentication: visual-svn-server-authentication.jpg SVN authentication requires you to set up users and cre


  11. Background Operations

    -13-42.png The window shows you three different operation statuses: running, queued and completed/failed. By default, you'll be shown the


  12. Creating classification rules

    The Rules page can be accessed from the Classify drop down menu from the navigation bar. image2022-3-11_10-11-21.png To create a new rule


  13. Classification rules and suggestions

    an option "(suggestions available)". image2022-3-11_9-38-53.png You will then be taken to the Suggestions page. At the top, you'll see a


  14. Licensing

    . image2019-11-13_14-55-1.png If you press the button you will be prompted to log in with your Redgate ID: image2019-7-10_9-24-13.png If y


  15. Downloading and managing error reports

    , in a similar way to your e-mail application, you can manually mark reports as 'read' and 'unread'. To mark one report, either click the


  16. Importing from SQL Source Control

    . In SQL Source Control, go to the Setup tab and copy the repository folder. image-2023-9-20_14-3-48.png Note: This only works for Git. If


  17. Authentication failed when cloning from GitHub

    in to the GitHub website, go to the Applications page, and click Generate new token: image2015-3


  18. Using filters

    the filter rules: On the Filter pane, clickimage2016-8-31 11:9:41.png Edit filter rules. The Edit filter rules dialog box is displayed: i


  19. Optimizing backup speed

    (I/O) reads. Stage 2: SQL Backup Pro compresses, and optionally encrypts, the data.This uses CPU cycles. Stage 3: SQL Backup Pro writes t


  20. Data Compare for Oracle 2.6 release notes

    generated in the deployment wizard ODC-301: Attempted fix for "Probable I/O race condition" Correct schema now used when generating scrip


  21. Hardware and performance guidelines

    requirements per monitored server: Physical memory 20-40 MB Disk space 600-1000 MB* Network I/O 20 KB/sec Disk I/O 20 KB/sec *The amount


  22. Managing user roles

    in as an administrator. image-2024-4-10_15-11-10.png This creates the Administrator user role. Share the password with users who need acc


  23. Using filters

    the filter rules: On the Filter pane, clickimage2016-8-31 11:9:41.png Edit filter rules. The Edit filter rules dialog box is displayed: i


  24. Database Unit Testing

    migrations folder, which runs tSQLt's own uninstall script before Flyway's clean operation begins. IF OBJECT_ID('tSQLt.Uninstall','P') IS


  25. Editing custom metrics and alerts

    -46-28.png The Step 1 – Edit metric page displays the current metric settings. If you want help updating this page, see: Step 1. Defining


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