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  1. Using the object definition box and object tooltips

    up to show the creation script for that table, and a summary of the object. object tooltip3.png For tables and views, the Summary tab sho


  2. Analyzing memory dumps

    -clicking your .NET application on the Details page and clicking Create dump file: image2020-5-25_17-34-56.png The memory dump will be cre


  3. Setting up and running a profiling session

    shows some introductory information: new-startup-screen-firstrun.png If you have used the profiler before, a list of your recent profilin


  4. Async in the call tree

    flow. For example, here's a trivial example Async method: async-diagram1.png The profiler breaks down the timings as: async-diagram2b.png


  5. Splitting a column without data loss

    the new first_name, last_name columns: image2016-2-10 11-33-31.png Commit the changes to source control. We're now ready to copy the data


  6. Renaming a table without data loss

    g 3. Create a migration script Open SQL Source Control. Go to the Migrations tab. Under Replace uncommitted schema changes, use the checkb


  7. SQL Agent Jobs

    The SQL Agent Jobs page shows the state of past executions for SQL Agent jobs in your estate. Summary image2019-1-31_11-12-59.png The sum


  8. Reconfiguring the SQL Monitor website to use .NET 4

    , select .NET Framework v4.0.301319: application pools 4.png Click OK. Right-click the application pool and select Recycle. Restart the SQ


  9. List of alerts

    : list-of-alerts.png For each type of alert, you can: disable it, so the alert will not be raised in future. change the level at which it


  10. Query recommendations

    implemented this on the Query details page in Top queries. image2023-7-31_17-4-20.png When opened this dialog has two main sections. The


  11. Displaying the List of Code Analysis Issues

    You can see the list of all issues in your script by going to the Prompt menu and selecting Show List of Code Analysis Issues... menu-sel


  12. Setting data sources

    the databases you want to compare on the Project Configuration dialog box: image2018-10-18_8-38-33.png Specify the two databases you want


  13. Installing the monitoring service

    : choose-components.png Installing the monitoring service on a different computer To install the monitoring service on a different compute


  14. Managing user roles

    you install SQL Monitor, you can create a password to log in as an administrator. create-admin-password.png This creates the Administrato


  15. The HTTP Requests from client view

    . HTTP requests from the client are shown in the call tree with a green icon http-request-from-client-icon.png To view all the requests fr


  16. Displaying the List of Code Analysis Issues

    You can see the list of all issues in your script by going to the Prompt menu and selecting Show List of Code Analysis Issues... menu-sel


  17. Sharing Formatting Styles

    by Redgate. image2021-4-12_10-34-1.png To both share and un-share formatting styles, the user will need to have the correct permissions i


  18. Sharing Snippets

    . Shared Snippets - these are snippets that are shared via the Redgate Platform. image2021-11-29_15-27-24.png To both share and un-share s


  19. SQL Compare 14.8 release notes - Jul 26th, 2022 FREQUENT UPDATES RELEASE Fixes ZD-275263: Add support for T-SQL undocumented virtual column %%physloc%% ZD-2


  20. Analyzing memory dumps

    by opening a Task Manager, then right-clicking your .NET application on the Details page and clicking Create dump file: image2020-5-25_17


  21. Move an evaluation repository to a SVN server

    Existing Repository: visual-svn-import-right-click.jpg The Import Existing Repository dialog box opens: visual-svn-import-dialog.jpg In E


  22. Data Image Definition Examples

    will be: image2022-5-20_8-39-34.png Removed references to removed feature flag for striped backups


  23. Configuring reporting on multiple computers

    ... image2019-3-8_11-34-41.png Enter the name of your SQL Server. If you have multiple instances of SQL Server running on the same compute


  24. Working with script folders

    folder. On the toolbar, click sc_button_sync_wiz.gif Deployment Wizard. The deployment wizard is displayed: deploymentwizard1.png On the


  25. Profiling File IO

    /O profiling is listed under the Additional profiler options for each type of session: setup-IO.png To set it up, ensure the check box is


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