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  1. Preparing to add monitored servers

    . If set through a T-SQL query this will reset on server restart. For SQL Server on Windows this can be set permanently by adding to the s


  2. How V2 migration scripts are used in deployment

    ) and B (in source control). image2013-10-11 17:4:40.png 2 SQL Source Control finds Lucy's migration script in revision B, and finds that


  3. Database DevOps for Oracle documentation

    to databases, and how Redgate tools for Oracle can support you along the way. image2018-3-1_11-41-18.png favourite


  4. Customizing the alert settings

    the alert settings for an alert type, will apply the settings to everything you're monitoring. image2020-5-25_17-11-40.png Changing alert


  5. The SQL Scripts Manager XML schema

    . The description text can include simple HTML tags (for example, <i>, <b>, <ul>, <li>, <h1>, h2>, <pre>) for formatting the text on the D


  6. Viewing the comparison results

    image2016-8-31 10:18:8.png, or click the group heading. image2016-8-31 10:17:20.png When objects are grouped by Type of difference, the T


  7. Error Overrides

    the initial one. The following behaviors are accepted: D to force a debug message D- to force a debug message, but do not show the origin


  8. Generating the deployment script and reports

    deployment script and deployment report image2018-2-14_16-23-16.png image2018-2-14_16-20-24.png Worked example We run the Schema Compare


  9. Setting up database connections

    "sa" -Password "P@ssw0rd" By assigning the output of New-DlmDatabaseConnection to a variable, you can reuse this as the input for another


  10. Using SQL Compare filters with DLM Automation cmdlets

    -ServerInstance "test01\sql2012" -Database "Test" -Username "sa" -Password "P@ssw0rd" $filter = "C:\Work\MyFilter.scpf" New-DlmDatabaseRe


  11. Working with existing Flyway configurations

    Control from the start menu and click Open project... image2019-12-6_19-44-19.png Navigate to your existing Flyway configuration and clic


  12. Grafana: Dashboards

    Window For embedded clusters https://<web-api-endpoint>:8132/grafana For AKS clusters https://<web-api-endpoint>/grafana Screenshot 2023-



    of latency, it suggests that the I/O subsystem is under pressure. Conversely, if you see many brief waits, you may be affected by increas



    experiencing some type of latency, it suggests that the I/O subsystem is under pressure. Conversely, if you see many brief waits, you may



    that the I/O subsystem is under pressure. Conversely, if you see many brief waits, you may be affected by increased I/O activity. Investi



    of latency, it suggests that the I/O subsystem is under pressure. Conversely, if you see many brief waits, you may be affected by increas



    of latency, it suggests that the I/O subsystem is under pressure. Conversely, if you see many brief waits, you may be affected by increas


  18. Setting up object locking

    ); RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20078,'You can''t ' || ora_sysevent || ' ' || ora_dict_obj_owner || '.' || ora_dict_obj_name || ', it was loc


  19. What is SQL Clone?

    for multiple targets sql_clone_diagram_new_edit_2-05.png SQL Clone makes it possible to provision copies of databases quickly by using a


  20. Setting up Okta as your identity provider

    integration within Okta (in the Applications sidebar menu item). Select OIDC as the sign-in method, and Native Application as the applica


  21. Viewing the comparison results

    image2016-8-31 10:18:8.png, or click the group heading. image2016-8-31 10:17:20.png When objects are grouped by Type of difference, the T


  22. Viewing the SQL differences

    , click an object in the upper (Results) pane. image2022-4-27_13-15-16.png You can adjust the height of the SQL Differences by dragging th


  23. Test-DatabaseConnection

    = New-DatabaseConnection -ServerInstance "prod01\sql2014" -Database "Production" -Username "AutomationUser" -Password "P@ssw0rd" Test-Dat


  24. Opening an existing project

    the start menu and click Open project... image2019-12-6_19-44-19.png Navigate to the configuration file you just pulled/updated in your w


  25. Deploy a database package manually

    "WidgetProduction" -Username "sa" -Password "p@ssw0rd" # Create a database Release New-DlmDatabaseRelease -Source $source -Target $produc


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