Search for "log files" returned 4688 results.

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  1. Profiling WCF applications

    Profiler 8\ProfilerCore.dll and %ProgramFiles%\Red Gate\ANTS Performance Profiler 8\X64\RedGate.ProfilerCore.dll If your Application Host


  2. The call tree

    for I/O to complete: The executing thread was blocked waiting for file I/O. Waiting for I/O to complete items only contribute to timings


  3. Profiling SecurityTransparent and partially-trusted assemblies

    don't know the assembly name, it is normally the same as the assembly's filename, without the file extension. Save the block list and res


  4. Provisioning

    . Prerequisites: Either create or use an existing Docker compose file, which defines one or more services which will provision a database


  5. Understanding the deployment

    filegroups. However, if you clear the project option Ignore filegroups, partition schemes, and partition functions, SQL Compare deploys t


  6. SQL Compare 13.3 release notes

    between options in an XML argument file SC-10014: SQL Compare now re-creates target performance indexes that had to be dropped for table


  7. Applying changes to a database in Visual Studio

    edited the script, save it. This saves the file to the project, but no changes have been made to the database yet. 4. Deploy the script C



    WRITELOG PAGEIOLATCH_* The SQL Server error log may also contain a message that I/O requests are taking longer than 15 seconds to complet


  9. SQL Monitor 2.2 release notes

    Server instance unreachable respectively. Fixes SRP-2134: The Fragmented index alert is broken. SRP-2927: Alert descriptions for Backup o


  10. SQL Prompt 8.0 release notes

    : Nested clause indent support (Insert/select statement). Fix : Prevent crash when user attempts to rename to same style name. Fix : Prev


  11. Adding SQL Server instances

    want to register the SQL Server instance. On the File menu, click iconregistrationnew.gif Add SQL Server. The Add SQL Server dialog box i


  12. The Time Line

    is indicated by the height of the block. File or filegroup backups are the same height as differential backups. An operation that failed


  13. Your first script

    the Authentication page for details. 2) Download the PowerShell Module. See Downloading the PowerShell Module page for details. 3) Extrac


  14. Getting started with ReadyRoll

    want to get started with an existing database, see Deploying to an existing database. Create a ReadyRoll database project In Visual Studi


  15. SQL Monitor 7.0 release notes

    SRP-11129 Use xp_readerrorlog to read error log SRP-11130 Show loading indicator for Top Queries and Server Waits SRP-11131 No top 10 que


  16. Quickstart - Docker

    a file named flyway.conf, like this: flyway.url=jdbc:sqlite:/flyway/db/test_db.sqlite3 flyway.user=sa Creating the first migration Now cr


  17. Licensing

    Backup Pro: for example, C:\Program Files\Red Gate\SQL Backup 7. You can also start the program from the SQL Backup Pro GUI: from the Too


  18. Failed to install SqlLocalDB.MSI

    When trying to install SQL Change Automation using the toolbelt installer, the following error message appears Installation Failed: Faile


  19. Allowing SQL Monitor to run within an iframe

    If you are using the built in webserver and want to run SQL Monitor within an iframe you will need to edit the web.config at (by default)


  20. API

    session and you'll need to download the SQL Monitor PowerShell Module. The cmdlets in this file can be used to write your own scripts: so


  21. Problems with IIS and ASP.NET

    ASP.NET impersonation IIS needs to provide a Windows identity to access protected Windows resources or files or database servers. ASP.NET


  22. Finding additional metric information

    : metric-statistics.png Exporting the data Click exporticon.gif Export... to open or save metric data as a .csv file for the object and ti


  23. About Row-Internal Synchronization Rules

    referred to by name in the replacement clause will be substituted at run time with the appropriate data values. The help file for the New


  24. The New Cross Database Command Rule Form

    Database Command rule help file for more information. If multiple commands are present in a Cross Database Command Rule, each SQL command


  25. The New Trigger Manager Rule Form

    file discusses this issue in more detail. This form is used to create and edit Data Masker Trigger Manager rules. Trigger Manager rules a


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