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'Error 1603' occurring during installation

While attempting to install the SQL Comparison SDK, you may see the following error message:

Error: 1603

SQL Comparison SDK can fail to install if your My Documents folder is located on a mapped drive or network share. The installer fails when attempting to update the reference paths in your C# and Visual Basic project files.

To avoid this, you can temporarily change your My Documents folder to one on the local disk:

  1. In Windows Explorer, right-click your My Documents folder and select Properties.
  2. Right-click the current location and select Copy.
  3. Change the location to an empty folder on a local disk, for instance C:\temp-profile.
  4. When asked if you want to copy all of the files to the new folder, select No.
  5. Run the SQL Comparison SDK installation again.
  6. After installation, open the properties of the My Documents folder.
  7. In the Location box, paste the location you copied earlier.
  8. Copy the folder C:\temp-profile\SQL Comparison SDK 8 Samples to your My Documents folder.

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