Redgate Flyway

Command-line Parameters

Flyway commands can be executed either via > flyway [options] [command] or > flyway [command] [options]. However, note that namespace short-circuiting is only available when the command is specified before the options.

For parameters which can be set on each command, see individual commands. All settings in the Flyway namespace can also be set as commandline parameters.

Universal parameters

The following flags provide helpful information without carrying out any other operations:

Flag Purpose
Print the list of available commands and options
Print the Flyway version

The following options modify the console output:

Flag Purpose
-X Extended debug output enabled
-q Quiet mode, suppress all output, except for errors and warnings
-color Colorize the terminal output
-outputType Human or machine-readable output

The following command line options modify behavior for all commands:

Parameter Tier Type Description
configFileEncoding Community String The file encoding to use when loading Flyway configuration files.
configFiles Community String The Flyway configuration files to load.
workingDirectory Community String The working directory to consider when dealing with relative paths.

The following settings can be overridden for all commands:

Setting Tier Type Description
loggers Community String array Loggers to use.
email Community String Email to be used in conjunction with a personal access token.
token Community String Personal access token used for licensing Flyway.

The following deprecated settings can be overridden for all commands:

Setting Tier Type Description
licenseKey Teams String Your Flyway license key.

Configuration from Standard Input

You can provide configuration options to the standard input of the Flyway command line, using the configFiles option. Flyway will expect such configuration to be in the same format as a configuration file.

This allows you to compose Flyway with other operations. For instance, you can decrypt a config file containing login credentials and pipe it straight into Flyway.

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