Redgate Flyway

Tutorial - Error Overrides

Flyway Teams

This tutorial assumes you have successfully completed the Quickstart: Maven tutorial. If you have not done so, please do so first. This tutorial picks up where that one left off.

This brief tutorial will teach how to use Error Overrides. It will take you through the steps on how to configure and use them.


Error Overrides are a great fit for situations where you may want to:

  • treat an error as a warning as you know your migration will handle it correctly later
  • treat a warning as an error as you prefer to fail fast to be able to fix the problem sooner

Reviewing the status

After having completed the Quickstart: Maven, you can now execute

bar> mvn flyway:info

This should give you the following status:

[INFO] Database: jdbc:h2:file:./target/foobar (H2 1.4)
| Category  | Version | Description         | Type | Installed On        | State   |
| Versioned | 1       | Create person table | SQL  | 2017-12-22 15:26:39 | Success |
| Versioned | 2       | Add people          | SQL  | 2017-12-22 15:28:17 | Success |

Adding a broken migration

In this tutorial we're going to simulate the case where a broken sql statement should be ignored.

So let's start by adding a new migration called src/main/resources/db/migration/V3__Invalid.sql:

broken sql statement;

If we migrate the database using

bar> mvn flyway:migrate

it will fail as expected:

[ERROR] Migration V3__Invalid.sql failed
[ERROR] --------------------------------
[ERROR] SQL State  : 42001
[ERROR] Error Code : 42001
[ERROR] Message    : Syntax error in SQL statement "BROKEN[*] SQL STATEMENT "; expected "BACKUP, BEGIN, {"; SQL statement:
[ERROR] broken sql statement [42001-191]
[ERROR] Location   : /bar/src/main/resources/db/migration/V3__Invalid.sql (/bar/src/main/resources/db/migration/V3__Invalid.sql)
[ERROR] Line       : 1
[ERROR] Statement  : broken sql statement

Configuring an Error Override

Now let's configure an Error Override that will trap invalid statements in our migrations and simply log a warning instead of failing with an error.

<project xmlns="...">

Finally clean and migrate again using

bar> mvn flyway:clean flyway:migrate

And we now get:

[INFO] Database: jdbc:h2:file:./target/foobar (H2 1.4)
[INFO] Successfully validated 3 migrations (execution time 00:00.007s)
[INFO] Creating Schema History table: "PUBLIC"."flyway_schema_history"
[INFO] Current version of schema "PUBLIC": << Empty Schema >>
[INFO] Migrating schema "PUBLIC" to version 1 - Create person table
[INFO] Migrating schema "PUBLIC" to version 2 - Add people
[INFO] Migrating schema "PUBLIC" to version 3 - Invalid
[WARNING] Syntax error in SQL statement (SQL state: 42001, error code: 42001)
[INFO] Successfully applied 3 migrations to schema "PUBLIC" (execution time 00:00.039s)

And as we were expecting we now had a successful execution with a warning instead of an error.


In this brief tutorial we saw how to

  • configure Flyway to use error overrides

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