Redgate Flyway

Flyway Open Source

Flyway remains at it's heart an open source project that is available on Github.

If you were looking for the Redgate edition of Flyway, see this download page. This brings additional functionality that is either paid-for or we are unable to release to the open source project.


Open Source Flyway


Extract the archive and simply add the new flyway-11.4.1 directory to the PATH to make the flyway command available from anywhere on your system.



Download, extract and install by adding to PATH (requires sudo permissions):

$ wget -qO- | tar -xvz && sudo ln -s `pwd`/flyway-11.4.1/flyway /usr/local/bin 

Or simply download the archive:


(Linux only) Download, extract and install by adding to PATH (requires sudo permissions):

$ sudo sh -c 'echo "docker run --rm flyway/flyway:11.4.1 $*" > /usr/local/bin/flyway && chmod +x /usr/local/bin/flyway'

(All platforms) Or simply download the image:

> docker pull flyway/flyway:11.4.1

Go to Docker Hub for Flyway for detailed usage instructions.

Older Versions

  • Older versions, packages without JRE and sources are available from Maven Central
  • Older Docker images are available from boxfuse/flyway


You can find information about how to contribute to the Flyway Open Source project in the Open Source contribution documents.

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