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  1. LCK_M_RIn_X

    or modified by other transactions. Key-range locks protect the rows included in a record set, and prevent phantom reads, insertions and d


  2. LCK_M_RIn_U

    and deletions when the T-SQL is using serializable transaction level. Investigating Break long transactions down into shorter ones. See:


  3. LCK_M_RIn_S

    the T-SQL is using serializable transaction level. Investigating Break long transactions down into shorter ones. See: Managing Long-Runni


  4. LCK_M_RIn_NL

    , insertions and deletions when the T-SQL is using serializable transaction level. Investigating Break long transactions down into shorter


  5. Creating a custom metric and alert

    , three-step wizard is displayed. Next steps Step 1. Defining the metric – includes sections for defining the metric, and entering and tes


  6. Deprecated syntax rules

    IMPORTANT - If you update an issue title and/or description, please inform the SQL Prompt dev team (as we need to keep what is displayed


  7. SQL Prompt 9.1 release notes

    keywords. SP-6859 : Code analysis no longer causes an unhandled exception when scanning unparsed T-SQL. SP-6861 : Code analysis no longer


  8. Using SQL Monitor for the first time

    . Select the servers you want to monitor. Under Configuration > Monitored servers, click Add SQL Server (or Add Azure SQL Server if adding


  9. Architecture Diagram



  10. Tracking Disk Space Usage and Database Growth

    the sys.dm_tran_database_transactions DMV, and others, for this. See, for example, p.125 of


  11. Offline Schema Model

    . image2018-6-13_12-58-28.png The Schema-Model sub-folder hierarchy contains an offline copy of your database schema in T-SQL format that


  12. Use the TeamCity plugin with a SQL Change Automation Project

    and the time it takes to build, particularly for large databases. The documentation is stored in db > docs > main.html in the NuGet packa


  13. Use the TeamCity plugin with a SQL Source Control Project

    of the NuGet package and the time it takes to build, particularly for large databases. The documentation is stored in db > docs >


  14. Handling Schema Drift

    DriftRevertScript.sql If executed, the script will re-synchronize the target db with source control, undoing changes made directly to the


  15. OLEDB

    some type of bottleneck caused by the query, such as bad or missing indexes or inappropriate T-SQL code. Look for queries using BULK INSE


  16. MSQL_DQ

    type of bottleneck caused by the query, such as bad or missing indexes or inappropriate T-SQL code. Investigating the remote resource Sin


  17. Planning for SQL Monitor

    service using T-SQL via TDS. The WMI connection can either use DCOM or WinRM for transport. A basic SQL Monitor installation will look so


  18. How SQL Monitor works

    computers, WMI for Windows and SSH for Linux, and it interrogates the SQL Server service conventionally using T-SQL via TDS. The WMI prot


  19. Preparing to add monitored servers

    . If set through a T-SQL query this will reset on server restart. For SQL Server on Windows this can be set permanently by adding to the s


  20. GitHub YML Self Hosted Agent (Using GitHub Actions)

    $GITHUB_WORKSPACE, so your job can access it - uses: actions/checkout@v3 # Runs the Flyway Clean command against the Build database - nam


  21. SQL Backup warnings 1 - 499

    Services panel, select the SQL Backup Agent service for the instance, right-click and select Restart. 440 Invalid DB handle. SQL Backup P


  22. SQL Prompt 9.4 release notes

    ', 'Summarize script' or 'Encapsulate as new stored procedure' with T-SQL syntax errors present.


  23. MSQL_DQ

    type of bottleneck caused by the query, such as bad or missing indexes or inappropriate T-SQL code. Investigating the remote resource Sin


  24. OLEDB

    some type of bottleneck caused by the query, such as bad or missing indexes or inappropriate T-SQL code. Look for queries using BULK INSE


  25. How SQL Monitor connects to monitored servers

    , plus T-SQL queries that access various SQL Server Dynamic Management Views and system catalog views, tables and properties. It may also


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