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  1. PostgreSQL Database

    FUNCTION add(integer, integer) RETURNS integer LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE STRICT AS $_$select $1 + $2;$_$; -- Placeholder INSERT INTO ${table


  2. Async in the call tree

    flow. For example, here's a trivial example Async method: async-diagram1.png The profiler breaks down the timings as: async-diagram2b.png


  3. Database Unit Testing

    that this script should be ignored by all environments other than Build. image2023-3-20_14-50-42.png shouldExecute=${environment}==build


  4. ReadyRoll 1.7 release notes

    authentication fails during Import (Details Visual Studio crashes upon adding new T-SQL script to project


  5. List of alerts

    : list-of-alerts.png For each type of alert, you can: disable it, so the alert will not be raised in future. change the level at which it


  6. Using the Deployment Wizard

    the deployment wizard, click image2016-8-31 13:18:5.png. There are five possible steps in the wizard: Choose deployment method Create and


  7. Authenticating with Active Directory

    image2023-4-11_13-37-55.png page, under Users, click Authentication settings: Config.png Select Active Directory (via LDAP): image2022-3-


  8. List of metrics

    pressure and additional RAM may be required. Batch requests/sec Number of T-SQL batch requests received by SQL Server per second, average


  9. Provisioning

    to provision them are: Create databases using T-SQL scripts. Use SQL Clone to create lightweight


  10. Working with projects

    24x24.png (Open Project) to display the Open project dialog and browse to the project you are looking for. Alternatively, on the File men


  11. ANTS Performance Profiler 8.1 release notes

    ; pressing the Enter key didn't perform the search ANTS Performance Profiler 8.0: searchv80.png ANTS Performance Profiler 8.1: searchv81.p


  12. Copying files and dependencies after build

    of the examples described in this document, let's assume you have a ./bin/Debug/ directory with the following contents: image2021-1-29_2-


  13. Installing

    the Download button and follow the install instructions. Restart Visual Studio image2022-9-15_14-15-5.png


  14. Using the Deployment Wizard

    the deployment wizard, click image2016-8-31 13:18:5.png. There are five possible steps in the wizard: Choose deployment method Create and


  15. Leadership election failure of the database-server-instance-operator

    In Grafana, in the alerts, you may see the Leadership election failure firing. Screenshot 2024-04-04 at 13.40.26.png This happens when a t


  16. Copying files and dependencies after build

    of the examples described in this document, let's assume you have a ./bin/Debug/ directory with the following contents: image2021-1-29_2-


  17. ANTS Performance Profiler 8.1 release notes

    ; pressing the Enter key didn't perform the search ANTS Performance Profiler 8.0: searchv80.png ANTS Performance Profiler 8.1: searchv81.p


  18. Use the TeamCity plugin with a SQL Source Control Project

    , select Redgate SQL Change Automation Build. image2018-7-9_11-25-52.png Under Database project, select one of the following options: Buil


  19. Managing user roles

    . image2019-1-23_13-48-2.png This creates the Administrator user role. Share the password with users who need access to every feature in S


  20. Installing the monitoring service

    -19_13-26-19.png Installing the monitoring service on a different computer To install the monitoring service on a different computer, you


  21. Configuring Profiler trace

    tab. Under Monitoring, select Trace: image2019-1-23_14-26-35.png For each SQL Server instance you want to store trace data for, Select On


  22. Query recommendations

    this on the Query details page in Top queries. image2023-7-31_17-4-20.png When opened this dialog has two main sections. The first contai


  23. SQL Monitor 3.0 release notes

    own T-SQL queries to collect metric values that aren't currently collected by default. They can also be used to collect application-speci


  24. Authentication

    -11_13-36-29.png in the top menu of Redgate Monitor. Choose Authentication tokens from the PowerShell API section. Enter a name for the to


  25. Configuring HTTPS for the default Redgate Monitor web server

    -Object @{n = 'Path'; e = { Convert-Path $_.PSParentPath } }, Subject, FriendlyName, Thumbprint Here is some example output from the scrip


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