Search for " 渶 渶ڸ 渶 緹̽ ̷̽º ǰ渶 渶 ǵ渶 " returned 2162 results.

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  1. The Activity History

    you want to see the activity history in the Registered SQL Servers pane. image2017-3-29 7:52:44.png To update the details, on the View me


  2. Creating backups - file settings

    ) or a network location, and configure settings to manage existing backup files. image2017-5-30 11:10:26.png Choose: Single backup file to


  3. Tab history (SQL Prompt v10.12 and older)

    Studio is not supported. Browsing tab history To browse your tab history, on the Management Studio toolbar, click Tab History: tab-histor


  4. Split Partition Manager Rules

    based on partitions on a partitioned table, instead of using where clauses. Core concepts image2020-1-20_12-1-10.png Partition Finder Upo


  5. Upgrading

    . image2018-3-19_15-40-53.png SQL Monitor uses these credentials to upgrade the Data Repository after installation. Click Next. The instal


  6. SQL Data Compare 12.2 release notes

    in your database since your SQL Data Compare project was saved. image2017-3-13 17:34:42.png - March 30th 2017 FREQUENT UPDATE


  7. Finding additional metric information

    the Description tab to display detailed information about the selected metric. metric-description.png For custom metrics, the details you


  8. Top procedures

    for procedures, recorded over the same period, which were the principle resource consumers: focus-window-with-tooltip.JPG You can also di


  9. Authenticating with Active Directory

    tab, under Application options, click Authentication settings: image2019-1-23_16-33-56.png Select Active Directory (via LDAP): image2022-


  10. Creating a baseline script

    a baseline for a project with no migrations. You will see a banner prompting you to baseline. Click Create baseline image-2023-8-31_16-14


  11. Installing multiple Base Monitors

    applied. Configuring multiple Base Monitors Go to the Configuration tab under Application options, select Base Monitor connection: image2


  12. Rewinding time with Back in Time mode

    header at the top of each overview page: image2019-1-23_16-47-43.png You can use the drop-down to select the last 6, 12 or 24 hours, 2 da


  13. Current activity

    , giving you the ability to identify a problem query while it's still running or simply be able to react even before the query finishes. i


  14. Proposed SSH Key authentication usage

    We recommend generating and assigning a single SSH private key per BM, as seen in the following diagram. ssh-keys-recommended.png The publ


  15. Code Analysis for SQL Server

    documentation SQL Monitor SQL Change Automation 16x16.png SQL Change Automation


  16. Data Masker for SQL Server 7.0

    migration, Data Masker 7.0.0 includes an additional command line flag (-G) to DataMasker.exe to generate PARFILEs suitable for DataMasker


  17. Step 2. Add an alert

    to Medium if it increases and passes above a 7 GB threshold: image2018-3-20_9-40-11.png In some cases, you want to be alerted when values


  18. SQL Prompt Labs

    SQL Prompt includes Labs, experimental features you can turn on from the SQL Prompt options: image2015-8-18 17:59:1.png SQL Prompt Labs f


  19. Getting Started

    image2019-6-21_11-10-31.png Start the course


  20. Setting up SNMP notifications

    About SNMP notifications You can set up SQL Monitor to send an SNMP trap when: alerts are raised an alert level increases (e.g. from Medi


  21. SQL Prompt Labs

    SQL Prompt includes Labs, experimental features you can turn on from the SQL Prompt options: image2015-8-18 17:59:1.png SQL Prompt Labs f


  22. Getting Started

    image2019-6-21_11-10-31.png Start the course


  23. Advanced

    -58-5.png favourite


  24. AWS Storage Settings

    Options, and open the AWS Storage Settings tab. image2017-3-29 7:41:42.png Select the SQL Server you want to link to your account from th


  25. Monitoring SQL Server Failover Cluster Instances and AlwaysOn Availability Groups hosted in Azure IAAS

    this will be 5986 and if you're using WinRM/HTTP this will be 5985. You can select the WMI protocol when you add the cluster: image-2023-


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