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  1. Backing up before deployment

    . Backup name and location For SQL Server native: Type the file path in the Backup folder box or click image2016-8-31 13:29:58.png to spec


  2. Setting data sources

    . You specify this information on the Project Configuration dialog box: image2016-8-30 17:5:50.png Selecting data sources Specify the two


  3. Deploying Assemblies (SQLCLR)

    SQLCLR to the root of your ReadyRoll project: image2016-11-15 14:41:47.png Include the new folder in the database deployment by opening t


  4. PagerDuty SMS notifications

    and incident tracking to Redgate Monitor. How do I integrate Redgate Monitor with PagerDuty? There are integration guidelines in PagerDut


  5. Using a filter on a column on related (joined) tables

    and LineItems. Lets say a record in LineItems belongs to a district in the Sales table. I want to only compare Lineitems records that bel


  6. Exit codes used in the command line

    exception occurred See the log for more details. 73 - Failed to create report The report was not created. 74 - I/O error For example, thi


  7. Backing up before deployment

    . Backup name and location For SQL Server native: Type the file path in the Backup folder box or click image2016-8-31 13:29:58.png to spec


  8. Setting data sources

    . You specify this information on the Project Configuration dialog box: image2016-8-30 17:5:50.png Selecting data sources Specify the two


  9. SQL Data Compare 12.1 release notes

    -checking Show identical columns will hide the firstName and age columns: CollapseColumns2.png This feature makes it easier to see differe


  10. Backing up before deployment

    . Backup name and location For SQL Server native: Type the file path in the Backup folder box or click image2016-8-31 13:29:58.png to spec


  11. Exit codes used in the command line

    SQL Compare is unavailable. 70 - An unhandled exception occurred See the log for more details. 73 - Failed to create report The report wa


  12. Migrations tab

    Overview When you visit the Migrations tab, you will see all the migrations script in your project. Screenshot 2022-07-13 at 10.45.37.png


  13. Viewing component information and log files

    to Configuration, and under Diagnostics, click Retrieve log files: image2019-1-2_15-31-11.png If you are unable to log in to the SQL Moni


  14. New-SqlCloneImage

    to the SQL Server performing the restore when creating an image from backup. This sets the total number of I/O buffers to be used, which


  15. Generate Support Bundle

    a support bundle You can get a support bundle by following the instruction on the Troubleshoot tab of the Admin Console. image2022-12-8_1


  16. Upgrade Admin Console

    begin, it's worth noting down the current Admin Console version, which is presented at the bottom of any page in the Admin Console. image


  17. Configuring DLM Dashboard to use HTTPS

    : image2015-6-25 16:45:18.png Run netsh then http so that your command prompt looks like this: netsh http> Copy the following command, rep


  18. ANTS Performance Profiler 7.3 release notes

    details, see HTTP request timings in IIS. In higher DPI modes, the Application Settings options to record file I/O and to profile child p


  19. SQL Prompt 8.0 release notes

    function. SP-6444 :Improved word boundary matching used in suggestions and action lists. SP-6446 :Fix default values for T-SQL date and t


  20. Different values displayed for the same data points on the Analysis Graph

    displays the value as 74.1% for the same data point: diff-values-10-mins.png diff-values-24-hours.png The difference is because some of t


  21. PowerShell Cmdlets

    This will give you an output like this: image2019-7-24_16-20-0.png For details on a specific Cmdlet, you can use the built-in PowerShell


  22. Creating, configuring and downloading reports

    -3-36.png Enter a report name and select whether you would like the report to be emailed automatically Enter the recipients to whom you wi


  23. Monitoring SQL Server Failover Cluster Instances and AlwaysOn Availability Groups hosted in Azure IAAS

    instance there should be no session persistence floating ip (direct server return) should be disabled image2017-10-9 16:54:38.png Adding


  24. MSQL_DQ

    type of bottleneck caused by the query, such as bad or missing indexes or inappropriate T-SQL code. Investigating the remote resource Sin


  25. OLEDB

    some type of bottleneck caused by the query, such as bad or missing indexes or inappropriate T-SQL code. Look for queries using BULK INSE


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