Published 25 January 2022
Gets all columns matching the supplied Filter.
- Get-ClassificationColumnForFilter [[-Filter] <Filter>] [[-MaxNumberOfResults] <int>] [[-StartResultNumber] <int>] [<CommonParameters>]
Gets all columns matching the supplied Filter.
Available Filter properties: Instances [StringPropertyFilter] Databases [StringPropertyFilter] TablesWithSchemas [StringPropertyFilter] Columns [StringPropertyFilter] Tags [TagsFilter] PredictedInformationTypes [StringPropertyFilter] ColumnDataTypes [StringPropertyFilter] EmptyTablesFilter [One of ('Require', 'Include', 'Exclude')] PrimaryKeyFilter [One of ('Require', 'Include', 'Exclude')] IdentityConstraintFilter [One of ('Require', 'Include', 'Exclude')] CompositeKeyFilter [One of ('Require', 'Include', 'Exclude')] ForeignKeyFilter [One of ('Require', 'Include', 'Exclude')] WithNoTags [Boolean] WithTagsApplied [Boolean]
Where a StringPropertyFilter has the options: Include [string[]] IncludePartial [string[]] Exclude [string[]] ExcludePartial [string[]]
And TagsFilter has: Include [hashtable e.g. @{ "Information Classification" = @("Confidential") }] Exclude [hashtable e.g. @{ "Information Classification" = @("Confidential") }]
And where: 'Include' = Do not apply any restrictions based on this filter (e.g. Include all tables including empty tables) 'Exclude' = Exclude items matching this filter (e.g. Don't include empty tables) 'Require' = Restrict to items that match this filter (e.g. only include empty tables)
{{ Fill Filter Description }}
Aliases | None |
Required? | false |
Position? | 1 |
Default Value | None |
Accept Pipeline Input | True (ByPropertyName) |
Accept Wildcard Characters | false |
Maximum Number Of Results Optional. The maximum number of results you would like returned in one go. Combine this with StartResultNumber to get a slice of columns.
Aliases | None |
Required? | false |
Position? | 2 |
Default Value | 0 |
Accept Pipeline Input | True (ByPropertyName) |
Accept Wildcard Characters | false |
Start Result Number Optional. The start index of the matched column collection. See MaxNumberOfResults and the below example.
Aliases | None |
Required? | false |
Position? | 3 |
Default Value | 0 |
Accept Pipeline Input | True (ByPropertyName) |
Accept Wildcard Characters | false |
{{ Fill ProgressAction Description }}
Aliases | None |
Required? | false |
Position? | named |
Default Value | None |
Accept Pipeline Input | False |
Accept Wildcard Characters | false |
This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Verbose, -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -OutBuffer, and -OutVariable. For more information, see
The input type is the type of the objects that you can pipe to the cmdlet.
You cannot pipe input to this cmdlet.
Return values
The output type is the type of the objects that the cmdlet emits.
An array of hashtables with the following properties:
- id: string
- columnName: string
- tableName: string
- schemaName: string
- description: string
- tags: An array of Tag
- freeTextAttributes: An array of FreeTextAttribute
- tableRowCount: long
- dataType: string
- databaseName: string
- instanceName: string
Tag: A hashtable with the following properties:
- id: string
- name: string
- categoryId: string
FreeTextAttribute: A hashtable with the following properties:
- attributeId: string
- freeText: string
ColumnData: A hashtable with the following properties:
- columnData: string
- confidence: int
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
- $filter = New-ClassificationColumnFilter
- $filter.Instances.Include = @('sqlserver\2016')
- $filter.Databases.Include = @('WorldWideImporters')
- Get-ClassificationColumnForFilter -Filter $filter
Fetches all columns from instance "sqlserver\sql2016" database "WideWorldImporters".
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------
- $filter = New-ClassificationColumnFilter
- $filter.Instances.Include = @('sqlserver\2016', 'sqlserver\staging')
- $filter.Databases.IncludePartial = @('world')
- Get-ClassificationColumnForFilter -Filter $filter
Fetches all columns from all databases containing the term "world" (e.g. WideWorldImporters) on instances "sqlserver\prod" and "sqlserver\staging".
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------
- $filter = New-ClassificationColumnFilter
- $filter.Instances.Include = @('sqlserver\test')
- $filter.Columns.ExcludePartial=@('%ID')
- $filter.EmptyTablesFilter = 'Exclude'
- $filter.WithNoTags = $true
- Get-ClassificationColumnForFilter -Filter $filter
Fetches all columns from instance "sqlserver\test" that don't have a name ending with 'ID' that are not in empty tables but have no columns applied.
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 4 --------------------------
- $filter = New-ClassificationColumnFilter
- $filter.WithNoTags = $true
- Get-ClassificationColumnForFilter -Filter $filter -StartResultNumber 100 -MaxNumberOfResults 25
Fetches up to 25 columns contained within empty tables from all registered databases and instances, ignoring the first 100 matched columns.