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  1. Different values displayed for the same data points on the Analysis Graph

    displays the value as 74.1% for the same data point: diff-values-10-mins.png diff-values-24-hours.png The difference is because some of t


  2. Viewing component information and log files

    : configuration-about.png When you click on a link to view the log file, the contents of the log file are displayed in your browser, and a


  3. Inspecting Issues

    Ctrl + Shift + E) to display Issue details: image2018-2-21_11-44-58.png The Issue Details window is resizable and dockable. We recommend


  4. Authenticating with OpenID Connect (OIDC)

    provider, you’ll need to add some configuration values via the Admin Console


  5. Displaying metrics on the analysis graph

    . The example below shows Machine: processor time selected for one of the machines in a cluster: machine-processor-time.png To display ano


  6. Organizing monitored servers into groups

    of production called T1 Production. ServerGroups2.png By grouping monitored servers in this way, you can apply the same alert configurati


  7. Token based authentication settings

    this value (rgclone Access Token) using CLI. image-2023-8-10_8-40-43.png


  8. Setting up SNMP notifications

    ends Configuring SNMP notifications Go to the Configuration tab. Under Alerts and Metrics, select Notification settings: ConfigurationScr


  9. Overview pages

    of the page. server-overview.png (1) Page Navigation Hover over area to bring up the navigation panel to jump to Server/Host Metrics, SQL


  10. Using ignore rules

    ... image2019-2-4_22-30-50.png SOCO_IgnoreScreenshot.jpg You can use use ignore rules to: Reduce the time taken for a database comparison


  11. Using the Visual Studio Add-in

    Profile Performance to profile your project. image2018-9-17_15-23-5.png If your project was never built, or if something has changed and


  12. Top 10 queries

    details for queries, recorded over the same period, which were the principle resource consumers: focus-window-with-tooltip.JPG You can al


  13. Adding PostgreSQL on Aurora cluster Go to Configuration → Monitored servers → Add → Pos


  14. Multiple Base Monitor installations

    Base Monitor may exceed desirable thresholds. you have machines running in a DMZ. image-2024-4-9_21-49-32.png Next step Installing multip


  15. API Endpoints

    to http://your-web-server:port/api-docs http://your-web-serverport. image-2024-4-19_10-39-54.png Some endpoints, such as the Alerts and M


  16. Using clones for testing

    , and the output options for the image. An example is shown below. image-2023-11-13_14-1-47.png Click Copy connection string. The .Net for


  17. Managing clones

    g. The Test Databases screen will open. Select the Clones tab at the top of the screen. The screen shows a list of clone cards with the na


  18. Viewing component information and log files

    to Configuration, and under Diagnostics, click Retrieve log files: image2019-1-2_15-31-11.png If you are unable to log in to the SQL Moni


  19. Enabling Application Initialization in IIS

    :46.png Once installed, you can now configure it with IIS Manager. Open IIS Manager and navigate to the application pool that SQL Monitor


  20. Using the Visual Studio Add-in

    Profile Performance to profile your project. image2018-9-17_15-23-5.png If your project was never built, or if something has changed and


  21. Working with the Outgoing HTTP Requests view

    the request type. For example: outgoing-http-post-icon.png To view all the requests from the client in your profiling session, either cli


  22. Creating a package

    :\Packages" /name:WidgetSalesUpgrade.exe Switches /schemascript:<file path(s)> The path of the schema script you want to package. You must


  23. Component versioning using a dedicated table and static data with Visual Studio

    and generate script image2018-6-13_13-44-49.png Click Refresh and then right-click on an object and click Include Table Data to include s


  24. Use the VSTS Release extension

    this environment Production. worddavb0b27caf8c67866c296c7a5fc2dc9732.png 4. Link to a build definition A release definition is often link


  25. MSQL_DQ

    type of bottleneck caused by the query, such as bad or missing indexes or inappropriate T-SQL code. Investigating the remote resource Sin


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