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  1. Installing

    in the Redgate toolbar. image2017-6-9 15:24:2.png If you would like to configure the SQL Code Guard command line, please refer to the DLM


  2. Annotations

    deployments to the SQL Server. Use SpecificInfo to specify what was deployed. image2020-2-13_11-0-15.png image2020-2-13_11-0-57.png Error


  3. .NET Reflector 8.0 release notes

    search filter to the object browser in both Reflector Desktop and the Visual Studio extension: search-strip2.png When you type in the sea


  4. SQL Prompt 4.0 release notes

    set of options. Improved SQL Grammar support Enhanced T-SQL grammar support for SQL 2000, SQL 2005 and SQL 2008 SQL server editions. Sugg


  5. Using filters

    the filter rules: On the Filter pane, clickimage2016-8-31 11:9:41.png Edit filter rules. The Edit filter rules dialog box is displayed: i


  6. Opening an existing project

    the start menu and click Open project... image2019-12-6_19-44-19.png Navigate to the configuration file you just pulled/updated in your w


  7. What is SQL Clone?

    for multiple targets sql_clone_diagram_new_edit_2-05.png SQL Clone makes it possible to provision copies of databases quickly by using a


  8. Using filters

    the filter rules: On the Filter pane, clickimage2016-8-31 11:9:41.png Edit filter rules. The Edit filter rules dialog box is displayed: i


  9. The BACKUP command

    files BACKUP DATABASE { database_name } [FILE = { 'logical_file_name' } [ ,...n ] | FILEGROUP = {'logical_filegroup_name'} ] [ ,...n ] TO


  10. Source Control for Oracle 3.0 release notes

    script files Differences in newline format are no longer identified as differences (eg /n is equivalent to /r/n) Comments within CHECK co


  11. Placeholders Configuration

    ${flyway:defaultSchema} TO ${flyway:user}; -- User defined placeholder INSERT INTO ${tableName} (name) VALUES ('Mr. T'); Script Migration


  12. DB2

    KEY(name) ); /* Multi-line comment */ -- Placeholder INSERT INTO ${tableName} (name) VALUES ('Mr. T'); -- SQL-PL CREATE TRIGGER uniqueidx


  13. Derby

    comment */ -- Sql-style comment -- Placeholder INSERT INTO ${tableName} (name) VALUES ('Mr. T'); Limitations None


  14. Aurora PostgreSQL

    INTO ${tableName} (name) VALUES ('Mr. T'); Limitations No support for psql meta-commands with no JDBC equivalent like \set Clean does not


  15. Classifying your data for easier masking

    columns in DMTest. image2022-3-11_11-18-24.png To get started, we’re going to apply some foundational tags. These focus on what kind of d


  16. Viewing details of an alert

    : click-anywhere.png In grouped mode, first click anywhere in the row for that alert group to open the Alert Group Details page: image2018


  17. Editing custom metrics and alerts

    for that metric: image2019-1-30_11-46-28.png The Step 1 - Edit metric page displays the current metric settings. If you want help updatin


  18. What is SQL Clone?

    for multiple targets sql_clone_diagram_new_edit_2-05.png SQL Clone makes it possible to provision copies of databases quickly by using a


  19. Using a scripts folder

    Specify the location of the scripts folder you want to compare on the Project Configuration dialog box: image2018-10-18_14-54-19.png Speci


  20. Use the VSTS Build extension with ReadyRoll

    and Release. Click New definition image2018-4-3_13-33-32.png Choose your source control system and provide the details to connect to it.


  21. Generating migrations

    , a little red asterisk will appear on the Refresh button. image2020-9-3_11-44-57.png After clicking Refresh the changes are shown: image2


  22. Working with existing Flyway configurations

    : Launch Redgate Change Control from the start menu and click Open project... image2019-12-6_19-44-19.png Navigate to your existing Flyway


  23. Viewing details of an alert

    To view the details of raised alert, from the Alert Inbox, do one of the following: Click anywhere in the row for that alert: click-anywh


  24. .NET Reflector 8.0 release notes

    search filter to the object browser in both Reflector Desktop and the Visual Studio extension: search-strip2.png When you type in the sea


  25. Log shipping - network share

    circumstances, you can leave On failure, retry after and Retry up to (n) times at their default values (30 seconds, and 10 times). To dis


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