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  1. Working with the HTTP Requests from client view

    . HTTP requests from the client are shown in the call tree with a green icon http-request-from-client-icon.png To view all the requests fr


  2. "Attempted to perform an unauthorized operation" while creating images

    a green tick): image2018-12-5_14-14-23.png


  3. SQL Monitor 3.0 release notes

    own T-SQL queries to collect metric values that aren't currently collected by default. They can also be used to collect application-speci


  4. Setting data sources

    specify this information on the Project Configuration dialog box: image2016-8-30 13:6:13.png Selecting data sources Specify the two data


  5. Selecting tables to compare

    -by-side: image2018-5-29_14-16-22.png You can filter the specific rows that will be compared by entering a WHERE clause. Filtering can imp


  6. Editing custom metrics and alerts

    -46-28.png The Step 1 – Edit metric page displays the current metric settings. If you want help updating this page, see: Step 1. Define me


  7. Viewing details of an alert

    -grouped mode, click anywhere in the row for that alert: click-anywhere.png In grouped mode, first click anywhere in the row for that aler


  8. flyway-dev command line

    , it will be created. image2022-10-24_13-20-56.png Update the development database in the user (-u=true) or project settings (-u=false; th


  9. Installing the SQL Clone server

    Server is a web app, so it must be installed on a machine that is visible from everywhere you want to use SQL Clone. sql clone diagram 7.


  10. OLEDB

    some type of bottleneck caused by the query, such as bad or missing indexes or inappropriate T-SQL code. Look for queries using BULK INSE


  11. MSQL_DQ

    some type of bottleneck caused by the query, such as bad or missing indexes or inappropriate T-SQL code. Investigating the remote resourc


  12. Known Issues

    the content of the latest Application Logs and search for a term "exception". Using a (Group) Managed Service Account ((g)MSA) to run the


  13. Requesting permissions

    administrator. Click Request access Your computer must be set up to use mailto: links. request-access.png This generates an email address


  14. SQL Monitor database requirements

    delayed durability (on SQL Server 2014 and newer) with the following T-SQL: USE [master] GO -- the name of your SQL Monitor repository ma


  15. Example - deploying with migration scripts

    dialog box opens: soc-mig-link-dialog.jpg No migration scripts folder is set up, so we'll create one. Next to the migration scripts repos


  16. Setting data sources

    specify this information on the Project Configuration dialog box: image2018-9-6_10-57-18.png Selecting data sources Specify the two data


  17. Programmable Objects

    that change into your database project. ReadyRoll also supports scripting these Programmable Objects to individual T-SQL scripts. This al


  18. Working with projects

    Studio Object Explorer: document-database-ssms.png SQL Doc stores the following information as part of the project: SQL Server connection


  19. Use the Azure DevOps Build extension with SQL Source Control Project

    project. Go to your project in Azure DevOps. In the top menu, click Build and Release. Click New definition VSTS Build Example 01.png Cho


  20. Use the Azure DevOps Build extension with SQL Change Automation Project

    Build Example 01.png Choose your source control system and provide the details to connect to it. Once completed click Continue. VSTS Buil


  21. Using the Deployment Wizard

    Compare, or update a scripts folder: Create a deployment script image2016-8-31 16:51:53.png If you choose to create a deployment script,


  22. Filtering the comparison with a WHERE clause

    ... The WHERE Clause Editor is displayed: image2022-11-30_13-10-18.png Note: For multiple tables, only the first table will be displayed a


  23. Setting data sources

    the databases you want to compare on the Project Configuration dialog box: image2018-10-18_8-38-33.png Specify the two databases you want


  24. Quickstart - What is installed and where?

    location: C:\Program Files\Red Gate\Flyway Desktop\flyway Using the flyway installer, you will be presented with a wizard (pictured below


  25. Using the Deployment Wizard

    Compare, or update a scripts folder: Create a deployment script image2016-8-31 16:51:53.png If you choose to create a deployment script,


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