Deployment Manager 2

Getting started

With Deployment Manager, you can automate software deployments into development, test, staging and production environments.

1. Install the Deployment Manager server

Download the Deployment Manager installer from the Redgate website.

On the server you want to use to host the Deployment Manager web interface, run the DeploymentManager.msi installer.


For a list of software requirements for a Deployment Manager server, see Requirements.

Follow the instructions to complete the installation.

For more information, see Installing.

An administration tool is displayed when the installation is complete:

In the administration tool, specify the port you want to use for the Deployment Manager web interface, and then click OK.

The Deployment Manager web interface launches in your web browser. If you encounter a problem viewing the web interface, see Troubleshooting.

2. Create an administrator user

The first time you visit the web interface, you must create an administrator user account:

Enter details for the administrator, and click Create account. Click Continue to Deployment Manager on the page that is displayed.

If you want to use Windows authentication instead, see Switching to Windows authentication mode.

For a list of what administrator users can do, see Permissions.

3. Add environments

You need to add some environments. These are groups of machines that you can deploy to. For example, this allows you to group several machines as Development, Testing, Staging and Production:

To add some environments, see Setting up environments.

4. Add machines to your environments

Next, you need to add machines to your environments:

5. Create deployment packages

Next, you need to create and publish the packages you want to deploy.

Packages can contain databases or applications.

To package and publish a database, you can:

To package and publish an application, you can:

If you're creating and publishing packages for the first time, we recommend using the SSMS add-in or the Visual Studio extension.

6. Create a project

Once you've created and published the packages you want to deploy, you need to create a project.

Projects contain the deployment steps you want Deployment Manager to perform.

To add a project, see Creating projects.

7. Adding steps

To deploy a package you have published, you need to add a step to your project. Projects can have multiple steps to deploy multiple packages.

8. Create and deploy a release

Next, create a release:

  1. On the Releases page, click Create release:
  2. Enter a version number for the release, select the version of the package you want to deploy, and then click Create release.You can now deploy the release.
  3. On the page for the release you want to deploy, on the menu bar, click Deploy this release:
  4. Select the environment you want to deploy to, add any comments you want, and click Deploy release.
    Deployment Manager executes the deployment, and displays output logging information:

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